Blanco State Park, Blanco, Texas
He who loves a quarrel loves sin. ~ Proverbs 17:19a
Today seemed to be all about food. One of our favorite things! We went into town, where Blaine gave the Jeep a very much needed bath after our drive yesterday.
We went to a small grocery store and found Sugardale bacon! All the way from Canton, Ohio! We bought two just because it’s the best and we’ve never seen it outside of the Akron/Canton area.
See?!? Canton!
We also took a risk and bought some t-bones that were on sale. I know, I know, we swore we’d never buy grocery store steaks again, but they looked good and they were Texas beef, so . . . .
We thought it was peanut brittle, but it’s a little different than that, because it’s soft.
We didn’t buy it. We just touched it. : )
Then there was the stop at the bakery next door to the campground. We’d been reading about kolaches (originally brought here from czechoslovakia), and they advertised having them, so we stopped and bought two.
They’re sort of a cross beween a donut and a bagel with pie-filling fruit
and a token amount of cream cheese swirled on top.
We may try them again, just to see I f these were made well, but we weren’t terribly impressed.
We did take a short hike in the campground to try to compensate for at least some of the food we ate today. 😊
Our gamble paid off! The steaks – while not steakhouse quality – were tasty and edible! Especially after being grilled over Blaine’s open flames. The potatoes were good too! No melted potholder today. 😊