Lost Dutchman State Park, Apache Junction, Arizona
Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life. ~ Proverbs 22:4
I’m usually a ‘polyanna’ person, but all this coronavirus stuff is really cramping my style. First the Grand Canyon campground, and now this morning, Blaine received word from RVTravel.com, who sends him constant updates, that Utah and Colorado have closed all their State Parks with no stipulations as to expected openings. I feel bad for Blaine, having to decide what to do. Do we wait and see? Do we make new reservations? Is there another option? What’s the best solution? As of yet, the only campground that’s actually told us they’re closed is Grand Canyon.
But to lighten our mood, we had some drama this morning that had absolutely nothing to do with us.
Remember “Bye, Bye, Birdie” when the girls are all on their telephones and singing about the latest gossip? What’s the story, morning glory? What’s the word, hummingbird? That came to my mind as we watched and listened as the drama unfolded with our new neighbors.
These two guys, their two dogs, their trailer and their pick-up truck, made camp next to us sometime very late last night. (Fortunately, we were evidently too tired to hear them.) Well, it seems they made themselves at home in someone else’s site. At 11am, a campground host came by and told them to leave by noon. (They had just put their dogs in the truck, so we’re thinking they meant to go somewhere.)

so they can clean up the sites when people leave.
They’re the ones who first spotted the interlopers.
As you can see, there are two carts sitting out there now.
Pretty soon, the Park Ranger came by and told them again to leave and asked for payment for the night’s stay. One of the guys told her he already paid someone with his credit card and showed her, what we believed was a pink window tag (maybe a self-register one?). They also discussed why they couldn’t stay when the site was empty last night. The Ranger pointed out that there was a reservation tag on the post out front, they just chose not to pay attention to it. (In other words, “Finders Keepers” and “Possession is nine-tenths of the law” don’t cut it here. Sorry guys.) The Ranger left, and the guys just kinda hung around, not doing anything to prepare to leave. It’s now 11:15am.
Shortly thereafter, the Ranger returned and we heard her kinda ream them out and demand payment because he had lied to her about paying already. One guy pulled out his wallet and gave her cash, and then asked if she knew of any other RV Parks they could go to. Nope. She either didn’t know, or wasn’t about to make a recommendation. I’m voting for the latter. And then she stood there and watched as they began moving their stuff into the trailer and truck.
The family (mom/dad/2 sons) who had reserved the site showed up and waited in the street. (We don’t know if they arrived late, missing last night’s stay, or if they arrived early – check out time’s not until noon.)

Note the guy in red and the pop-up in the street – – that’s the family whose waiting.
Once the guys got moving, the Ranger sat in her ATV between our site and theirs and waited for them until they packed up.

Once the guys were ready to go (11:50am), the Ranger escorted them out of the Park – – or at least out of our area.

The other red ATV belongs to that camper parked up there.
We pass it all the time when we take our walks around the campground in the evening.

Turned out, they only stayed one night, which to me leads credence to the not making it last night theory.
~~ The End ~~
Oh. Are you wondering how we know all this? Blaine cracked open the bathroom window so we could hear. See what we miss when we head out early in the morning?? Reminded me of when my grandma used to sit at her kitchen table and watch all the neighbors. 😊
After lunch, Blaine set to doing a few fix-up chores, and later we took a 2-mile walk to the Park’s Nature Trail and around it and back. Nothing too exciting as I’m still sore! Which is quite irritating and unusual that I’d still have so much muscle stiffness two days later.

I’m certain Blaine’s not pleased with our newly adopted lazy style of hiking, but he loves me and doesn’t say anything. 😊