Homolovi State Park, Winslow, Arizona
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death. ~ Proverbs 23:13-14
Our 2 ½ hour, 134 mile drive was fairly uneventful, and since we’ve driven this way before, there are few pictures – most include Mt Humphreys. 😊 One thing of note – if you recall when we drove from Cottonwood to Homolovi, our gas mileage averaged 10.4mpg because of the 2,000’ downhill elevation change. Well, guess what happened today? Yeah. Ya got that right. It plummeted to 6.6mpg as we steadily drove back up that 2,000’ change and were also driving into a headwind. Still, once what part of the journey was over, we ended up averaging 8.8mpg, which isn’t bad at all.

It was much more impressive when we were further away. : (

So pretty!

By the way. That weird looking vehicle up front?
That’s a tow truck carrying a small motorhome on his flatbed.
Hope it can be repaired easily!

We aren’t even supposed to be returning to Cottonwood. This week, we’re supposed to be at . . .
Steeping UTE RV Park, Towaoc, Colorado
NOT! Another change we had to make thanks to ‘Rona’.
Instead we’re at . . .
Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, Arizona
Yep. You remembered right. We were just here a few weeks ago. But due to Park closures, we were forced to return. Thank you, Governor Ducey, for keeping Arizona Parks open during the entire pandemic!
And the reason we can’t just remain in one place “forever”, is because State Parks only allow you to stay for two weeks at a time. So, as I mentioned previously, we remain in view of Mt. Humphreys; as we have for the past 4 ½ weeks. (That means you’ll probably see more pictures of it in the coming week. 😊)
Same Park, different view from our windows. Now we look directly at the campground host and their firewood storage tent (for campers) and their lovely flowers they have planted by their door – when their Jeep’s not there.
Here’s the forecast for this week –

I don’t care how dry the air is, hot is HOT!!
Don’t know that I’ll be doing much after lunch for the next week. Good thing we have air conditioning and we already covered a lot of territory when we were here before.
Even though it’s afternoon, I took our ‘morning’ picture because . . . . . . . . Blaine had to pull our shades down on that side of the coach to try and stave off some of the blazing sun.
After dinner, Blaine convinced me to drive over to the lakes here and take a walk. The lighting was beautiful this time of day!

We remember large clumps hanging from larger pods. Different species?

Cottonwood cotton all over the ground, and flying through the air. : )

We decided not to go that way.