Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, Arizona
Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. ~ Proverbs 23:17
We began today with trips to Home Depot and WalMart for groceries and other supplies you can’t pick up in regular grocery stores. At Home Depot, Blaine conceded to purchase a Mother’s Day gift for me – even though I’m not his mother. To clarify, we don’t usually buy Mother’s or Father’s Day gifts for each other. I guess because neither of us have ever been much into gifts for each other. It’s not our love language. Instead, we’ve always taken on preparing meals for our large extended family. My two small plants were much less expensive. 😊
So here’s what I bought to set in front of my kitchen window –

I confess, the Venus Flytrap was just intriguing. It’s strange and unusual, and truth be told, I’m anxious to see if it works. So now, not only am I physically squishing bugs (most notably stink bugs), but I’m now sadistically cultivating them. I found one shortly after we returned home, and put it in the plant. The bug seemed quite happy there. But as far as I know, despite my poking and prodding and manually moving the bug around, the trap was never sprung. Darn!
Just in case you want to read about them. : )

In an effort to avoid some of the heat in the middle of the day today, we left to just walk around historic Cottonwood. We hadn’t done so when we were here previously. Truthfully, there wasn’t much to see. It’s not all that historic compared to other towns we’ve visited, and of course all the restaurants and shops were closed, or only open for carry out.

Not much different than Sedona.

Too bad no one’s allowed to use it. : (

There was a sign, but it was huge and positioned at an angle that I couldn’t even hardly read,
so there’s no picture of it.

We did, however, stumble upon a community trail that was shady!

Looks like someone built a canal . . .

nothing said why they named it that.

The air-conditioned Jeep was a welcome respite and we took advantage of being out without actually being out. We drove over to check out the possibility of kayaking on the Verde River at some point during our remaining days, and then just took a scenic drive.

Nice views, but very hot!

As we were driving a Jeep road close to home, we came upon abandoned ranch land.

It seems back in 1953, Joseph and Miriam Huntsbroker brought their three sons and a small herd of cattle from Texas to start a new ranching life here on 300 acres. Unfortunately, losing two of their three sons to illness, the heat of the summers, and lack of an easy-access water supply eventually did them in and they left sometime around 1957.
The property’s been abandoned ever since.
I just made all that up.
But you believed me didn’t you? 😊
Actually, we have no information about this property. Only that it took us a few miles on rough road to get here.

That’s what I climbed.
Not too exciting, is it? lol

Going up wasn’t so bad, but sliding back down was so fun. Plus the rocks were super hot!

He went to check out the water tank instead. : )

Time to return to our cool air!
Grilled salmon and corn on the cob for dinner. Yum!!