Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, Arizona
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. ~ Proverbs 24:3-4
We’re finally driving out from under the shadow of Mt Humphreys today! Our next campground is now open! As are all the ones we need – – for the next month anyway. Hip-hip-hoo-RAY!!!!!!!!! Blaine cancelled our next week here at Cottonwood, and willingly paid the $5 cancellation fee – – it’s well worth the peace of mind of having a place to live.
I’d like to tell you that our 4-hour, 213-mile drive was totally uneventful, but I can’t, as we learned once again, that it really does rain in Arizona. And when it does, it seems it pours! And you can see it from a very long way off, which is really cool beans! So beautiful!!
Before we get to that, here’s what we saw – –

Say your fond farewells! : )

At roughly 10:30am, we spotted rain in the distance. We kept driving in a pretty straight line towards it, drove through it, and came out the other side after about 45 minutes from when we first saw it. Traveling at an average speed of 65mph, that’s quite a distance! It was pretty awesome! And we saw some lightning, so I tried to take a picture, but my arms got tired waiting, and every single time I either put my arms down or looked away – – – it bolted again! But at least we never missed seeing it in all its glory!
We even had small hail at one point!

All of them were empty because of COVID-19. : (

Thought they were extinct! lol

The three signs were planted one right after the other. : )

across Blaine’s and out the side window.
And I did it because of the red cliff and the huge canyon!
Looks like the ground just opened up!

Forty-five minutes later we saw another storm up ahead. Blaine kept driving for about 20-minutes, until he found a good place to pull over to wait it out. These strong storms can sometimes produce large hail, and that could do some serious damage to our home on wheels. We sat for 15-minutes, then went on our way. We saw water on the road, but missed the rain.

Pretty neat, we can sit and watch it from a distance and know when we can move on. : )

Unfortunately, you can’t tell that they were a light brick red. : (

The rest of the drive was a bit dark, but no rain – – just a few leftover sprinkles – – on us anyway. We could see it pouring around us though. Still, the sights once we got into Page were incredible!

More on that another day.

Except for the campground. Darn!

Wahweap Campground, Lake Powell Marina, Page Arizona

That building is where we checked in.
Remember the swiss steak Blaine made? Well there were actually eight slices of meat in the package. He fried them all and then we brain-stormed what to do with the other four, and came up with philly steaks! That was dinner tonight. On fresh sourdough bread we picked up at the grocery store after we set up. They didn’t have anything resembling hoagie buns, so we made do with what we could find, but the bread was so thick, we ended up having open-faced sandwiches, which are a little messier, but it worked. Delicious, but we were stuffed again!

At least the fries were baked and not fried.
That counts as healthy, doesn’t it?
I had blog work to do, so Blaine went on his after-dinner bike ride by himself. Brought back some fantastic pictures!

It’s about 1/4 mile long and steep!

He found a jackrabbit!
He claims there were quite a few, plus some bunnies, too!
I have a feeling we’re gonna love our week here! Despite the fact that the internet service, even with our booster, is deplorable. That means I have no idea how much blogging I’ll be able to complete. : (