Wahweap RV, Lake Powell Marina, Page Arizona
Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. ~ Proverbs 24:11

When I awoke and said, “Good morning!” to my Father, He brought up my attitude at WalMart yesterday, so to begin my day, I first had to repent my anger and snippiness.
That done, I was able to be thank-filled, and start my day with joy. I also apologized to my oldest son, who’s oldest son has similar bouts of anger at times when the unexpected happens. Guess he gets it from his grandmother. ☹
As I mentioned yesterday, we move today – – leaving the Lake Powell and heading to the Kaibab National Forest area (pronounced KY-bab – like Kyle babbles 😊). It’s roughly a 5,000’ elevation change, and about a 65⁰ temperature change. We left days hitting 95⁰ and entered into a predicted low tonight of 29⁰. We’ll be putting away the shorts in favor of jeans. And most likely a jacket of some kind. At least when we venture out in the morning or evening.
We had a 90-mile, two-hour drive. We started out at an elevation of 3,600 feet. Then we climbed uphill to 6,000 feet, then went down a mountain back to 3,600 feet again, then through that valley where Lees Ferry and Cliff Dwellers is.
Then we had to climb, climb, climb until we reached our campground at 8,600 feet.

Blaine is very impressed and happy with the way the motorhome goes up and down the mountains. There is plenty of power climbing, and plenty of brakes for coming down.

Kaibab Camper Village, Fredonia, Arizona (Grand Canyon North Rim)

And let me tell you. There’s a huge difference in the outdoor temperature between 3,600 and 8,600 feet! We found ourselves a bit chilly in our shorts and t’s when we arrived!
This is where we were supposed to visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon from. And we will. Just not the way we expected. We were planning on taking our Jeep to Sublime Point for starters. We took a 4WD rental when we vacationed here about 7 years ago, and we couldn’t wait to return. Unfortunately, thanks to COVID-19, that’s not gonna happen. ☹ We’re soooo bummed, but we’re also adaptable. We’ll find plenty to do around here, I’m certain of it! God always seems to open doors!

In the meantime, to ease our disappointment, I baked Ghirardelli brownies! And I had to use the high elevation directions, thanks to Blaine’s sharp mind that thought to check for them. I don’t know what happens if you bake regularly when you’re in a high elevation, but I’ll bet it’s not good. These turned out perfect!