James M. Robb State Park, Fruita, Colorado
Better is open rebuke than hidden love. ~ Proverbs 27:5

We woke up in Fruita, Colorado this morning, which is good since that’s where we were when we went to bed last night. 😊 Today was a rest day. A-we’re-not-leaving-the-campground-after-lunch day. We didn’t exactly rest, especially Blaine, as he ran around all day like a chicken with its head cut off, doing all kinds of chores. Things I’m sure I wasn’t even aware of, but I can tell you that we have the cleanest rugs in town now! And at one point today, the windshield of the coach was spotless. It’s not anymore though, because for some reason, the campground has decided to place sprinklers all over the place, and they oscillate and spray water all over the campsites. We saw several people who needed to jump up and move their stuff. All we got was spray on the windshield, and now there’s water spots. ☹
I did my part by attempting to make progress on the blog posts.
But that was this afternoon. This morning, we shopped. For about 3 hours we shopped at various stores. At Kohl’s, the cashier made the mistake of asking Blaine if he had any fun plans for the day, “We’re shopping. So no.” 😊
We also made a stop at the Colorado Visitor Center and came away with about ten trees worth of paper on the state. The woman working there was very knowledgeable and eager to send us home with reading material on things to see and do. 😊
The end.