James M. Robb State Park, Fruita, Colorado
A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day. ~ Proverbs 27:15
Because all we did today was laundry and grocery shopping, I’m combining today and tomorrow. Unless, of course, you’d like to hear about depositing quarters and folding clothes, or see our shopping list so you can try to figure out what we’re eating this week? Besides, since I combined the two days, I was able to say on Wednesday that I was officially caught up on the blog!

Wonder how long it’ll take me get behind again?
Oh. I almost forgot. While I was playing catch-up and doing laundry, Blaine was out cruising. Check out these couple of pictures he took along the way.

I forgot. I found some interesting information in the laundry room while I was depositing quarters and folding . . . .
The weather we left today. The weather we moved to. Hallelujah!!
We drove 271 miles in 5 1/4 hours and are now parked just outside Rocky Mountain National Park! Before we delve into the Park, let me share a few comments and pictures from our VERY scenic drive today. Just know that the black and white dots all over most of the pictures aren’t soot or snow. Within a few miles of leaving Fruita, our nice clean windshield was plastered with gnats. ☹

Remember a few days ago when I mentioned the dips in the Utah road? Well we encountered the same today in Colorado, only they put up a sign. 😊

We were actually a bit ahead of schedule, until we came to a stop for road construction close to the campground that cost us 11 minutes. The construction area is two miles long and requires a pilot car. Quite a few people ahead of us turned around. They must know another route. . .

This was after it’d disipated by half!

Winding River RV Resort, Grand Lake, Colorado

This campground is only 1 ½ miles outside the Rocky Mountain National Park. It’s pretty nice, except for the gravel and dust road you have to drive for 1.5 miles to get in here. Remember our clean Jeep? No more. In fact, it’s dirtier than it was! And our bikes? I’m not sure we can clean them outside of a power washing. The back of the coach is a mess as well. Sheesh!

But there are plenty of redeeming qualities about this place. Like the views of the Rocky Mountains, the barnyard, and horses. Lots of horses! They offer trail rides, but we’re not particularly interested in riding here. It just doesn’t appear like you’d see much in an hour, or even two. So we’ll continue waiting, until something better comes along.

Obviously the critters loved whatever it was. : )

These pigs have learned how to turn on their water when they’re thirsty,
and open the feed bin when they’re hungry. Smart!
Just as we were contemplating dinner, we saw a family carry innertubes and assumed they were heading to the Colorado River for a float. However, they plopped them down in the middle of a small grassy island and just sat there. About a ½ hour later, at 5:30pm, we heard lots of yelling and looked out and discovered why they were there! It was a horse stampede! What fun!! It would seem that at the end of the day, they let the horses run up the road that goes through the campground (toward the barn? Field?). It truly was exciting and we were inside the coach! Imagine how fun it’ll be when we’re closer one night and can take pictures!
Tomorrow, we check out the town of Grand Lake, wash the Jeep – – again, and pick up some mail at the local PO.