Boyd Lake State Park, Loveland, Colorado
Those who forsake the Law praise the wicked, but those who keep the Law resist them. ~ Proverbs 28:4

Since this place is a time of relative rest for us, I’ve combined the four days into one post.

I can even work out here when it’s not too hot or blowing drizzle. : )
We did laundry and grocery/WalMart shopping the first day – four hours worth!

And practically no one else was there when we were!

My custard and his lemon were both scrumptious!!
Then, Blaine coerced me into a very long bike ride the next morning, after which, my posterior section was none too pleased, but the rest of me had a wonderful time! They have an excellent bike/hike trail system here. The path is wide, and well-kept, and every place we saw today was clean – no trash lying about.

And almost everyone is so considerate,
keeping to their right side, and announcing when they’re about to pass.

Perfect timing! Too bad he had to zoom in so far . . .

and then this thing appeared from behind the trees!
It’s a paraglider!

Most places don’t provide shade, unless they’re positioned under a tree.
Sunday, after church at home – again (We desperately miss worshiping with Christian brothers and sisters!), I took a talk/walk and ended up much further from home than I thought!

Supposedly, they’re not deadly, and are quite common along the trail system.

Once I returned, Blaine headed out on his bike. He did the entire 22-mile loop! I don’t know about you, but if my derriere was sore from the one we did yesterday, no way I’d tackle 20 miles! He, however, had a grand time – even though he ended up traveling some in a light rain. He came home with zero pictures and smelling kinda like a wet dog. 😊

And finally. Shoe shopping. My sandals of many years, finally bit the dust. I knew it was coming, but the straps finally took all they could stand. Blaine needs a new pair too, but he can buy his from Amazon. There’s no way I can buy any clothing but socks on line. I have to try every thing on, because the sizes are never the same. I think I mentioned before that I’ve worn everything from a small to a 1X, and shoes have run between 6 ½ to 8. Crazy!
There’s a DSW not too far from here, but I just didn’t feel like going. So we didn’t. We took a walk instead and enjoyed the fresh air, limited sun and lake views.
Personally, I’ve really been enjoying the weather here, at least once we got past moving day. Generally, it’s been warm (not blazing hot), and muggy and overcast with spitting skies occasionally. Reminds me of home and for whatever reason, I find this kind of weather comforting.