Chatfield State Park, Littleton, Colorado
To show partiality is not good – yet a man will do wrong for a piece of bread. ~ Proverbs 28:21

I traveled back in time today. All the way back to 2008, and was reminded of a God Moment that I’d completely forgotten about. Funny, because it was a pretty involved Moment that required a ton of time and effort on my part. I think maybe I’d forgotten it because it was a Holy Spirit induced and directed time, rather than my own.
Anyway, God has seen fit to remind me of a study I wrote back then, designed for dating couples. I could say more, but, well, you’ll see when you read the introduction I wrote for the study. 😊
“What?” I open one eye to just a slit. It’s dark. So I tilt my head and squint at the clock – 3-something! Ugh! I roll over to go back to sleep, but instead I hear words – are you for real, mirror, mirror on the wall, I believe . . . “What is that???? Clear your mind. Stop thinking and go back to sleep . . .” But no. Instead, more words . . . knight or charmer, child of the king . . . .
So I get up, throw on my robe and walk like a dejected teenager down the hall to the dining room – head tilted back, eyes open only far enough to see where I’m going, shoulders slumped, arms dangling. I turn on the light (thankfully, the dining room light is on a dimmer.) and fumble around for paper and pen, sit down and begin writing down these words. By the time I’m done, there’s about a dozen lines and I somehow know these are chapter titles. But for what? And then surprisingly, I notice that I’m feeling better. There’s some excitement inside that I can’t explain. And now a silent conversation begins, which as I look back, reminds me a lot of Moses’ attitude in Exodus 3.
Write a bible study. “I already write a study.” This one’s for dating couples. “What?!?!?” now THAT surprised me! “What do I know about writing a study for dating couples? I’ve been married for 33 years. I’ve known the man since I was 5. And I only dated one other guy for about 3 months besides him.” Write it. I can’t. I’m no Gary Smalley or Dr. Dobson or (here’s someone you might recognize) Dr. Phil. I have no training to do something like this.” You don’t need it. You have Me. “You must be out of Your mind.” (Can I say that to God???) Silence.
“So what am I supposed to do with this study?” Again, silence. Apparently, the Holy Spirit had done His job and was finished with me. “Ok. Fine!” Unfortunately, this is my typical response whenever God asks me to do something I don’t understand or don’t want to do. I imagine Him closing His eyes and shaking His head wondering if there’ll ever be a time when I give in without a fight. Of course, because He’s God, He already knows the answer. And yet, He loves and cares and uses ‘even the least of these’. (Matthew 25)
And so this study began.
For a few days, I mostly just looked at my scribbled, almost unintelligible list and wondered where to start. I opted to start at the beginning. The first two chapters seemed like they’d be easy. But what I quickly discovered was that now my enthusiasm was taking over and I had too much information. How can I possibly leave things out? I wanted to put all of scripture into this study! But who would ever pick up a study you needed a wheelbarrow to carry, or spend a lifetime working on? So I went in search of a bit of guidance. I talked with my pastor. He told me to find my tree trunk (main topic) and stick with it. To stay off most of the branches, as tempting as they are.
The purpose of this study seems to be to help you get to know yourself and each other better. I remember about a year earlier, I had been looking for a study for my son and his girlfriend to do together. I couldn’t find one suitable for dating couples. They all seemed to be for those who were engaged or married. Of course, they could do individual ones together – like studying books or topics in the Bible, etc. But I was looking for something that would help them identify where they stood as Christians and could help them grow spiritually and emotionally together. There just didn’t seem to be anything out there like what I was searching for. So I gave up.
And then, one night, at 3-something a.m. . . . . .
As you go through this study, make sure you understand the definitions of the words you’re reading in the Bible and even the study itself. We have a tendency to sort of skip over words like ‘righteous’ and ‘hypocrisy’. You will also want to make sure you understand the meanings of the traits listed in Chapter 8. What you read and discuss will have much more meaning if you fully understand the words.
It’s with a prayer and great anticipation that I send you off on your journey to understand yourself and your partner a little bit better. The prayer that it will enlighten and encourage you. And the excitement of anticipating what God has in store for you through this study. Since He wrote it, He’s got a plan for it. It’s for you. Whoever you are. Open your heart and mind to hear what God wants to tell you.
I don’t know why God is having me re-visit this study. Nothing ever came of it at the time. I wrote it, gave it to a married couple I know to edit for me, and that was that. I never even did anything with their notes; in fact, I’m not sure I ever even saw them until I asked for their copy to be sent to me the other day. I read it over, and still can’t believe I wrote the stuff that’s in there! It’s pretty obviously a God Thing!
I’m waiting to see what God would have me do with this study now. . . .
In the meantime, life goes on. Laundry must be done. Shopping too. And all the little stuff that makes up a person’s day. When we have days like this, it generally consumes at least four hours just for laundry and shopping, and that was the case today. It took us two months to finally find pretzel/cheese Combos! Now. If we can just find black raspberry jelly . . .
As we returned to the State Park, we were greeted by ‘protestors’ at the entrance. They were holding large posters that read, “What if he were your son?” and “There are other lakes”.
The reason? Four days ago, a young man of 18, was presumed drowned in the reservoir. The family and friends aren’t happy that people are still boating there. Can’t say I blame them. The last time he was seen was July 31st around 3:30pm about 60 yards from shore. They’ve not been able to recover the body despite the efforts of many different first responder units and use of drones, sonar, and a water-specific cadaver dog.
All we can do is pray for the ordeal to end for his poor family so they can move on in their grief, and that they will accept the comfort only God can give them.
Knowing that, it almost seems wrong to move on with our day. There’s a sense of guilt that comes with coming face-t0-face with such a tragedy. But there was laundry and groceries to put away, amongst other things. And after a time, we moved beyond the guilt feelings and returned to ‘normal’.
The only other notable thing from today, was the enjoyment we gained from our patio. I was able to sit out there and read, and when the time came, Blaine turned on the outdoor TV (something we extremely rarely use) and watched the Cleveland Indians play ball.

Eventually, he moved to a chair. : )
The Indians beat the Cincinnati Reds 4-2.