Fire In The Mountains 08/14/20

Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado

A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed – without remedy.  ~ Proverbs 29:1

Remember a couple of days ago when I mentioned the fire in Grand Junction, and how it hindered visibility here, even though it’s 5 ½ hours and almost 300 miles away?  But then it cleared up around here for the past two days?

Well, today, the wind’s blowing fairly hard from the other direction and the smoke’s so thick we can almost taste it, and we can definitely smell it, and it started burning our eyes.  The mountain behind us, and the valley below us both have a film over them.  Kinda like looking through a piece of dirty plexiglass.  Just imagine what it must be like over there! We’re soooo glad we did the things we did the past two days when visibility was nearly perfect!  But we’re even more glad we left Grand Junction ahead of the fire.  If we’da had to move, the detour they’ve set up would’ve added a minimum of 6 hours and 270 miles to our trip from Grand Junction to Grand Lake a few weeks ago!  We never could’ve done it in a day.  We would’ve had to try to find someplace to spend the night along the way.

Grizzly Creek fire update: I-70 remains closed through Glenwood Canyon
Interstate 70 reopens in Glenwood Canyon after brush fire |
We drove right through here not long ago!

Because we’ve been so busy the past few days, we took today as a down day.  Plus, we’ve learned that whenever we’re near a large city, or a National Park, Saturdays and Sundays, and even Fridays, should be off-limits, so whenever possible, we just stay at home on the weekends.  I blogged and did some cleaning.  Blaine did his maintenance stuff – especially cleaning out the air conditioning filters, which, like the filters inside, were very dirty from nearly constant use this summer.  It’s still hot here, and promises to remain so, into the foreseeable future.  Much like nearly everywhere else in the nation.

That’s it for this Friday in August.

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