The Dreaded Day Is Here 08/22/20

Wakeeney KOA, Wakeeney, Kansas

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord . . .  ~ Colossians 3:23 The poor man and the oppressor have this in common:  The LORD gives sight to the eyes of both.  ~ Proverbs 29:13

I’ve known for a good long while now, that this day was coming.  I just didn’t want it to.

It’s ‘spring cleaning’ day. 

I’ve hated cleaning all my life, but thanks to my persnickety mother, I know how.  And I know how to do it well.  Thanks, Mom??  But I still hate it.  In my opinion, it’s one of life’s necessary evils.  And having a smaller space doesn’t make it any less so.  And procrastinating doesn’t help either.  For a while now, I’ve been hem-hawing around.  I knew these four lackadaisy days in Kansas were coming up; the perfect time to get the job done, but I kept thinking, “I’ll be home in a couple of weeks and I’ll have six weeks to do it.”  “But do you really want to spend your limited time at home with family and friends performing the dastardly deed?  Especially when you have time now?”  Eventually, common sense and love won out over procrastination. 

And so.  The Day of Dread finally arrived.

And still, I put it off for as long as possible, claiming Bible Study and a bit of blogging as being necessary before I began.  (Well, study time is, but not the blogging.)  Plus, with the time change, we slept in until 6:30, and had a large breakfast, so that also put us about an hour behind our usual schedule.  We didn’t even start until 10:00!

Spring Cleaning | Dream Clean Services

And the only thing I have to show for a hard day’s work, are clean windows and a few buckets of dirty water.  Sigh . . . . . . . .

And now I need to go back and re-read this morning’s devotional . . . .

This place has a really nice pool, so we went over and chilled out in the water after we quit for the day.  And yes, that means exactly what I said.  I didn’t say we were done.  We still have about an hour or so – each – of cleaning left to do.  Maybe we’ll hit the pool again tomorrow.  It’s supposed to top out at 96⁰.

Homemade pizza for dinner!  Just me, and Chef Boy-r-dee!  We’ll, he only contributed the sauce, but it’s the sauce that makes or breaks a good pizza, don’t you think?

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