Bonk 09/08/20

Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park, Wildwood, Missouri

I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:14

Moving day can be hazardous to our health.  It’s not just the driving either.  The threat potential for accidents can happen inside as well as outside.  Today was an example of that.

Because we had a 6-hour, 334-mile journey today (7 hours with the time change!), across two state lines, I had plans to work on typing up my posts.  I’ve learned that I can place a bed pillow across my lap and set the laptop on it, and it doesn’t bounce around all over the place; meaning, my fingers stay put over the keys where I left them.  😊  I still can’t work on pictures, but at least I can type as Blaine cruises down the highway.

Today’s driving hazard was witnessing a near/shoulda been accident!  We were on a two-lane highway, in the right lane behind a semi (there were many, many semis today!), when he suddenly decided he wanted to move to the left lane.  And a game of highway chicken ensued.  A pick-up pulling a trailer in the left lane decided he wasn’t giving up his spot and kept on coming.  Before long, the pick-up was driving off the road, spewing up gravel and grass, but he still wouldn’t stop, and neither did the semi!  Surprisingly, the pick-up won, and both carried on their merry way.  Unbelievable!  They’re both insane!  Didn’t really concern us personally, but Blaine was prepared for the worst!

On the inside, (not during the same incident), I was sitting on the couch, legs crossed, happily typing away, when Blaine had an urgent request for information.  I quickly tossed over the laptop as I leaned forward on my way to unfolding my legs and standing . . . . and promptly and very firmly head-butted the dining room table that sits roughly six inches in front of the couch when we travel.  My advice?  Don’t do that!  I stumbled to the front, gave Blaine his information, he apologized profusely (although I don’t know why, it wasn’t his fault), and I put a cold cloth on my forehead.  It never bruised, but hurt like the dickens for several days.  Not a headache, but my head hurt, if that makes any sense.  It was even uncomfortable to put my hair up, which these days is not a good thing!

St. Louis has nice labels for their roads crossing over the expressway.
That’s the best view of the Arch we had on our way out. : (
Can you even tell where it is?
Nice road. . . .
See? Lots of trucks!
We stopped in the rest area for lunch.

There was no welcome sign when we entered Illinois, which is really strange.  There’s always a welcome sign after you cross the state line.  At least Indiana was happy to see us.  😊

Indiana wants me, but I can’t go back there . . . .
It’s those darn songs in my head again. . . . : )
Our first Ohio sign!
They had these signs set up every mile or so, telling you how far it is to the Ohio border.
We’re not sure why.
It’s a giant ear of corn, in case you’re wondering. : )
That’s our sign . . . .
The Sumit Lake one, not the stop sign, silly! : )
Well, I suppose the stop sign’s for us too . . .
Soy beans on one side, corn on the other.
We saw a lot of that today.
Here we are!

Summit Lake State Park, New Castle, Indiana

And here we are, parked in Indiana for a few days.  Our last stop before we arrive in Mogadore, Ohio! 

We’re sooooo excited to see family and friends!  And my hairdresser!  Pray for Celeste.  She’s really got her work cut out for her!  I know you think I’m exaggerating, but here’s a picture to prove it.  I plan on sharing a before and after picture at some point.  😊

No professional cut or colorsince November!

After dinner, we rode our bikes around the place, just to check it out and get some exercise.  It’s much more level than the last place we stayed at.  😊

Sunset at Summit Lake
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