Shop Till You Drop 09/07/20

Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park, Wildwood, Missouri

That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil – this is a gift of God.  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:13

Dressed for the Labor Day Weekend! : )

Today’s adventure? 

Outlet mall shopping. We’ve both been accumulating lists of clothing needs for several months, and this seemed like a good time to try to cross the off. 

There are actually several Outlet Malls in the area.
We ended up visiting two of them, but this is where we started.

Our favorites seemed to be Eddie Bauer and Talbots, because that’s where most of the stuff was purchased.  One thing we noticed were the people standing in long lines waiting to be permitted entry to their favorite stores.   The longest lines seemed to be Under Armor, Kate Spade, and Disney, so either those are the places everyone wants to shop in, or they severely limit the number of people allowed inside.  We’d have to be pretty desperate to stand in line in the blazing sun just to go into a store.  Especially at a large outlet mall where there are tons of other choices.

This is a sample of what we found.
There were several things – shoes, perfume . . .

That’s it for today.  Hours of shopping.  Not our favorite form of exercise.  😊

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