Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Turns out, this is a great verse for today!
Just up the road from us is the Wilbur Wright Birthplace Museum. We didn’t know it was here, but saw the signs on our drive in. Even when Blaine researched it, he didn’t find out much. But it was a drab and cool day today, so we went to check it out, after our calorie burning session (aka bike ride in the mist), and a quick bite of lunch.
Pretty!I know goldenrod isn’t well loved by many, but it sure is beautiful on an overcast, misty, early Fall day!This is what happens sometimes when you’re riding a bike and trying to take a picture at the same time. : )More signs of Fall!“What are you lookin’ at?”
It’s not the most “professional” museum we’ve ever been in, but it was put together pretty well! And there were more things here than we ever expected. We assumed everything of interest was in Dayton. 😊
If you choose to read the pictures, I guarantee you’ll learn more than just about the two famous Wright brothers and flying!
Once we paid our entrance fee, and received our instructions, we went back out, and lost the masks. There was no one else around the entire time we were there. Good for us, but kind of a shame for the museum. They built this house in the early 70s to resemble the Wright home that was on this property when Wilbur was born. Funny, it smelled like an old house. : ) Then again, it IS 50 years old!Orville and Wilber’s parentsAs far as we can remember, we’ve never seen stocking stretchers before (the “socks” hanging on the wall). They put wet socks on them to keep them from shrinking as they dried.I told you you’d learn more than just flying stuff! See if you can answer the questions before you scroll down to the answers. : )This was a gadget we’d never seen. Do you know what it is?Looks an awful lot like what I remember my grandmother’s handwriting looking like!Beautiful window!This organ looks brand new! Hey! you can see Blaine’s hand in the mirror! : )The family moved – – a lot! Probably because he was a preacher.All the exhibits are laid out in the order you walk around, which makes sense, but you’re mostly walking right to left, so sometimes things seem a little backwards. : ) For this picture, you need to read the right side first. : )This seems to be part of a larger book, but there wasn’t anything telling us where it was from.I didn’t really take any pictures for some reason, but someone tooK a ton of time to pencil sketch a lot of illustrations to go with the information they presented. The reason I went back and took this one, was because we read the next blurb and wondered what the “accident” was.The first time the Wright brothers went to Kitty Hawk, they lived very primitively. This “camp” is a re-creation of the place they created on their next visit. Don’t know how long they were there.This was displayed inside the camp, too. Sewing machine, and the wood struts, and wing structures.The museum made a “Main Street” with all kinds of shops lining the street.The brothers had a bicycle shop, and early on also ran a print shop.There was a sign that said the baber shop had a shelf like this with all the customer’s shaving stuff saved for them.Now THAT’s an interesting bit of trivia!We need to remember that the Wright brothers had no training whatsoever, yet they figured it out! One of the things they did to save money and time was to build this wind tunnel to test their theories, rather than building (or repairing) a plane every time.Wilbur died of complications from Typhoid on May 30, 1912. He was 58 years old.I’ll bet that flower arrangement was something to behold! It’s shaped like their plane!This is a really good picture! Looks almost real!This is the back yard of the museum.We spotted this guy as we left the building. We never expected him to pose for a picture! He didn’t even move when I touched his antennae! Just wiggled it a little! I touched it just to see if it was real! : )
If you ever find yourself in New Castle, Indiana, be sure to check out this museum! You may think I’ve shared it all with you, but I didn’t. 😉