Raccoon Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” ~ Genesis 1:14-15
Today, we cleaned the rust off our bikes (figuratively) and headed to town. They have this really nice, 13-mile bike path that goes along the Tennessee River, and all through and around various industries and scenery. We enjoyed it very much, and traveled most of it, with all the stopping to take pictures, our posteriors didn’t feel like they’d gone 20 miles. 😊

Some we felt were noteworthy, others were not. : )

I just can’t imagine that they could build that 130 years ago!

Each one seemed to have been created by a different artist in different states.
This one is called “Trails Wreath”.
It was made of cast iron by Kristen Tordella-Williams of Jackson, Mississippi.
At one point, we were riding along, when suddenly, and without warning, we felt as though we were in the middle of a Civil War battle! There was so much gunfire! And it sounded like people were shooting back and forth at each other! Of course, practical Blaine made it a point to mention that they didn’t have automatic weapons 150 years ago. But that didn’t stop me from inserting myself into history for a few minutes. Later on, we came across some government guys working on the other side of the fence, so I stopped and asked them about it. They told me it was the practice firing range for the Chattanooga police officers. Let me tell you – – they must have a HUGE budget for ammunition! No pictures, because we couldn’t see them.

We’re approaching Riverpark.

It’s actually a picture of that stunningly beautiful tree!
The boat just happens to be there. : )

Why yes, as a matter of fact it is! Or was.
The terminal is now a hotel, and I’ve read that there are also train cars you can sleep in.
We arrived in town just in time for lunch, at a place Blaine had chosen ahead of time, called Bluegrass Grill, where they only serve breakfast and lunch, and close their doors at 2pm. They also have a wonderful, Christian family heritage to boast of, but I’ll let you read about that for yourselves. 😊

It’s small and crowded inside, but they had three tables set up in their “former” parking lot.

Delicious food! Except for the biscuits. I don’t normally choose a biscuit to go with a “sandwich”, but a sign in their window boasted “The Best Biscuits in Tennessee!”. Now really. How was I supposed to pass that up? Turned out to be either false advertising, or a really bad day for the biscuit baker. In my humble opinion, they – or at least the one I had – tasted like those glutton-free, fat-free, sugar-free, salt-free, vegan, etc. stuff people nowadays try to pass off as healthy and tasty – but are not. ☹ However, everything else we ate was scrumptious! Truly!

After lunch, we rode around town until it was time for my 2pm appointment. I had a class to get to.

We’re wondering if they were created at the glass-blowing business in town?
You won’t believe it! I actually discovered a place here in town that allows you to participate in creating your very own hand-blown glass ornaments! What a unique opportunity! Unfortunately, at $43, it was too pricy to create for others, but mine turned out lovely! And since I seem to be unable to keep plants or flowers alive, it has replaced those failed attempts at horticulture and sits displayed in front of my kitchen window where it catches the sunlight! If you’re wondering how we packed up a fragile ornament to take on our biking adventure, there’s no need, because they’re so hot when they’re created, they have to gradually cool down in an oven for pick up the next day, otherwise, they’d shatter. We weren’t going to be in town the next day (Saturday), so we picked ours up on Sunday.

As you can see, anyone walking down the street can observe.
I imagine that helps drum up business too!

The owner/glassblower is standing in front of the cooling oven.

He had a bin full of various ones to choose from. : )
He heats up the glass Then brings it over to roll in the color you choose. He puts it back in the furnace, and I get to work, twirling. Smile for the camera, honey! He rolls it out on the top of that table first Then he puts the ridges on the glass Now he rolls and shapes Can you tell I’m excited?!? And I wait patiently until it’s my turn again And now, I blow “Big cheeks!” And as I blow, he shapes “Keep blowing!”

But it’s not quite finished.
Then he puts the top on

Once we were done riding around, we returned to the Jeep, loaded up the bikes and headed over to try to find Craven’s House. It’s another historical landmark within the Park.

And that’s it for today’s adventure! Thank You, Father!