Markham County Park, Sunrise, Florida
She (Hagar) gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me”. . . so Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore him Ishmael. ~ Genesis 16:13-15 I found it interesting that Abram named the child the name the Lord gave Hagar. Something about her encounter with the Lord, must have struck Abram’s heart. It would be interesting to know how all this played out. One thing we do know, the hostilities between Sarai and Hagar will continue, as we’ll discover when we get to Chapter 21. Being a woman and a wife, I can understand. Not agree with, but understand. It’s soooo hard to wait on God.

Today was a work day. We did things like clean and fix and bake and cook, you know, domestic formerly “Saturday” chores.
Not too exciting.
Ergo, I have precious little to comment on.
When Blaine went to change our local stations for our satellite TV, he discovered that it wasn’t working. If he wants to explain it to you, he can type it up. I don’t understand it. All I know is that it wasn’t working, so therefore, it was a problem. He spent a TON of time trouble-shooting and thinking, to the point, I’m pretty sure I saw smoke coming out of his ears.

Except when he enlisted my help on occasion. : )

But just like everything else he puts his sharp mind to, he figured it out.
This part I understand. It was a bad connector. Easy fix! Should’ve started there, because it was the last thing he checked. Why is it always the last place you check/look? Hahaha!
Dinner was very simple and very cheap. Bush’s canned beans, some onion, some garlic and some smoked sausage. My brother, David made it for us when we were there. His were better. Maybe it was the beans – I couldn’t find Great Northern ones anywhere, so I substituted a can of Navy and a can of Pinto.
But the Jim n Nicks muffins and honey butter I made were delicious!