Geosa And Santa     12/04/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama

Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan.  This is the account of Jacob. ~ Genesis 37:1-2a     Jacob has rooted himself in the future Promised Land, as Abraham and Isaac had done – the land God promised them, although it would be another approximately 700 years before they “officially” reclaimed their land.  How did I come up with that number?  According to Genesis 50:26, Joseph lived 110 years, during which time he brought his father and brothers out of Canaan (the Promised Land) to Egypt (to keep them from starving to death).  After Joseph’s death, the family lived peacefully until a Pharaoh took charge who didn’t know Joseph had saved Egypt (don’t know how long it’s been, but I went with 100 years), and this king didn’t like how prolific Israel was becoming so he enslaved them (Exodus 1:8-11) – – – for 430 years (Exodus 12:40), just as God told Abraham in Genesis 15:13.  Moses was 80 when he began negotiating with God and Pharaoh about leading the Israelites back to their Promised Land (Acts 7:23, 27), and because of their sin, they wandered in the desert 40 years -what should’ve been an 11 day trek (Numbers 14:34).

File:Biblical Jacob and his 12 sons Genealogy (Family Tree).jpg - Wikimedia  Commons

Today, we went to David’s again.  The guys learned how time-consuming and messy making Geosa and Fried Rice is.  😊

Prepping veggies.
David owns a Ninja, which works really fast!
But you have to be careful not to chop too much, or the veggies turn to soup! : )
Creating the Geosa.
Takes skill and dexterity.
My Okinawan Aunt Mitchi (married to Mom’s brother) taught me how to make it.
The finished product.

They were huge helps in the kitchen though!  And it was delicious!  But we sure made a mess of David’s stove frying it.  Yikes!  That was an early afternoon meal, and so for dinner, we had Marie’s cherry pie and Blaine’s homemade vanilla ice cream.  Yummmmmy eating day!!

They look happy, don’t they? : )

After we ate, they watched the SEC Championship game between Alabama and Georgia.  Bama pulled off a dominating upset. Final score 41-24.

For my part, I worked on more Christmas gifts.

Back home, our son took his kids to see Santa at the Electrician’s Christmas Party.

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