Packing Up     12/06 – 08/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel (which means, God with us. ~ Matthew 1:23

Immanuel - God with Us! - What Does This Mean for Family Life?

Mostly, this is a post just to tell you that we’ve been doing nothing interesting for the past few days.  It’s all been visiting with David, a last supper at the Italian/Mediterranean restaurant called Costa’s (where our server was this bouncy talkative young woman – think Tigger 😊) and prep work for our return home.  Woooo Hoooo!!!

Gifts for David.
I can take no credit for all this creativity.
I thank the DIY sites, and God Himself.

Tomorrow we’ll drive about 11 hours in the Jeep to Ohio, where we’ll stay at a friend’s mother’s empty condo in Hartville until December 26th.  We’ll drive back to Alabama, put stuff away, say fond farewells to David and head for the beach!

Merry Christmas!  Celebrate Jesus Who came to be with us!  Can you believe it?!?!?  Us!!!

Jonah – The (Not-So) Newlywed Lefebvres
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