Until We Meet Again     12/28/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama

And now we begin the account of Joseph (the one with the multi-colored coat).  Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them. ~ Genesis 37:2b      And so begins the time of trial for Joseph.  A righteous young man, despised by his brothers who do wrong.  I’d bet that Joseph gave bad reports on most, if not all, his brothers.  I think Joseph, more than any other man in scripture points toward Jesus.  I’ve seen comparison lists ranging from 60-75 to over 100 similarities.  Needless to say, I’m not listing them all.  I will however, share a few:  Joseph (Jesus) was most beloved by his father (God) and his brothers (unbelievers) hated him because of his close relationship to the father.  Both Joseph and Jesus were sold off for money.  They were servants among men.  They were innocent, but wrongly accused.  They’re prophets.  They fed the hungry masses.  They weren’t recognized for who they were.  Eventually, everyone bowed/will bow down to both Joseph and Jesus. 

Joseph's Inspired Dreams

Today was spent doing paperwork, making phone calls, putting away Christmas decorations and generally getting things ready to move out tomorrow.

And here’s some trivia we learned while we were home – – – Do you know the origin of Doritos?

The Original Doritos Did NOT Look Like Today's Doritos | HuffPost Life
They were described as “thin, crisp wedges of toasted tortilla with a lightly salted, buttery taste.”

Disneyland! Once upon a time, back in the early 1960’s, a chef in one of their restaurants was thinking of what to do with leftover stale tortillas and decided to fry them up and sprinkle seasonings on them.  They sold like crazy.  One day an executive from Frito-Lay had some, and Frito-Lay asked to purchase the recipe.  And the rest (as they say) is history!  By the way, ‘doradito’ is the Spanish word for ‘golden’, so ‘Doritos’ is a contraction of that word. You just never know what you might learn on this blog! 😊

We met David for those yummy fiesta bowls at Casa Fiesta, and our last visit with him until next Fall. 

Tomorrow morning, we go in search of adventures at the Gulf of Mexico, in Florida’s panhandle!

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