Monthly Archives: December 2021

Packing Up     12/06 – 08/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel (which means, God with us. ~ Matthew 1:23 Mostly, this is a post just to tell you that we’ve been … Continue reading

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Full Body Workout     12/05/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama And now we begin the account of Joseph.  Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah his father’s wives, and he brought … Continue reading

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Geosa And Santa     12/04/21

Carson Village, Birmingham, Alabama Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan.  This is the account of Jacob. ~ Genesis 37:1-2a     Jacob has rooted himself in the future Promised Land, as Abraham and Isaac … Continue reading

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