Grayton Beach State Park, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
Then he had another dream and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind. ~ Genesis 37:9-11 I read this and wondered if Joseph was a pride-filled teenager living under his father’s constant favoring. Surely he knew his brothers disliked him. Why would he tell them about another dream? And I wonder if Joseph was surprised when his father rebuked him? And yet, we read that Jacob “kept the matter in mind” much like we’re told that Mary did in Luke 2 after Jesus was born. And one more thing. Notice that in Joseph’s first dream, it’s just the brothers, but in the second, the parents are included. As we’ll eventually see, this is what will happen – first the brothers come to him, then the brothers along with the rest of the family. So which of these do you most identify with? The visionary who speaks what God has given you without fear? The jealous person who decries others? The mature person who quietly adopts a ‘wait and see’ attitude?

In my last post, I forgot to mention that we attended Seagrove Baptist Church. They’re in the process of locating a new pastor because theirs just retired, so they have some guest speakers lined up for the next weeks. Today’s was a pastor who does new church plants with NAMB (don’t ask me what those letters stand for 😊). He shared a good lesson from Mark 9 with us about the grace and glory of God encompassed within Jesus. The music was also good – like actual (modernized a bit) hymns that we know! When’s the last time you sang “It is Well” or “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” in church? But once again, people didn’t speak to us, other than the guys at the door who said “Hi”, and a woman who was obviously supposed to greet new people. She started out well, but then just kinda walked away mid-sentence without even saying “Excuse me”. Still, it was good to be in a house of worship. And on the way home, I got to thinking that maybe those around us were also tourist visitors, who maybe thought the same thing about us. . . .
I spent most of today staying out of Blaine’s way – sitting on the bed in the back and working on my ‘Special Edition’, and coming out quickly whenever I was called to help. Blaine was replacing our TV (which we purchased at the Best Buy in Destin). And it was not as easy as it sounds, because the TV resides in a hole – the front bordering on a cabinet under the table, the back up against the outside wall. The only access is from the top of the TV, or removing the panels from the cabinet, which makes it next to impossible to gain the access he needed. If he could’ve enlisted Santa’s elves to help, he would’ve. Poor guy! There was a great deal of twisting and turning and maneuvering and squeezing into spaces he’s really too large to get into. And I couldn’t help much.
The installation was going well, until he noticed the bottom of the new TV was wider than the old one! In all his research, no one mentioned those measurements! I left him to ponder what to do next and returned to my spot. Times like these, it’s best if I leave him alone to think.
He did it! Of course he did! However, a project that should’ve taken about an hour or so, ended up taking 3 ½ and that’s not counting clean up. And there’s still the one in the bedroom to replace . . .

The one in the bedroom should go much better because, if nothing else, at least he’ll be able to get to it. The main one was originally installed with no thought to getting to anything.
He also purchased and connected a new sound bar. He still has to work out where he’s gonna put that.
While we were in Destin, we also picked up our mail sent from our mail service. Among other important papers we needed, there were 10 Christmas cards! Inside one from a former coworker and good friend was a postcard. Wait till you see what she wrote!

Is that cool or what?!?

This is a dot-to-dot drawn by our grandson, Max, that I decided to bring life to. : )
We ended our day with a photo of our youngest grandson, Matthew. Not so sweet-looking this time! LOL!!! Reminds me of those little devils they used to have in cartoons. LOL!