Snow In Ohio     01/17/22

Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, Alabama

Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar.  But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death. ~ Genesis 38:6-7     According to the Lexicon, use of the word ‘wicked’ in this case means ethically bad, evil.  In other words, his wickedness was against God.  I can’t possibly imagine what this young man could’ve been like that God would intentionally take him out of this world and condemn him to an eternity of hell.  How sad when our children turn against God!  Oftentimes, the world sees children as a reflection of the parents.  In other words, when a child does something society deems ‘bad’, the parents are looked upon as being responsible for their behavior.  Does Judah, as Er’s father, bear responsibility for his son’s behavior and actions?  Do you with your children?  What do you think?  By the way, remember the name of Judah’s daughter-in-law, Tamar.  She’ll become very important later.

Plight Thee My Troth: A Marriage Retrospective | Biblical art, Art, Ancient  jerusalem

A friend recently asked me if we’d noticed shortages at the grocery stores during our travels.  Up until today, there have been holes in the shelves sometimes, but not anything that we needed (or needed to have immediately).  Today I’ve a different tale to tell.

We stopped at WalMart, and while Blaine managed to snag the last DEF (something he has to put in the motorhome that’s been in very short supply for months), there was not a single onion of any size or type!  In addition, peppers were tiny and shriveled and awful looking – for 94 cents each!  Many other produce bins were void of anything except dried up leaves, and much of the meat section was either empty or in low supply.  But on the up-side, there seemed to be plenty of toilet paper!  😊

I received several pictures friends and family took of the after affects of the snow storm in Ohio. 

Phil and Gail’s goose looks cold!
Gail wins a prize for the most serene picture!
Seems younger son, Kyle didn’t get as much snow in Wadsworth.
Son Kyle wins for best family photo. : )
Love the fur hat, Kyle!
Son Chris win’s for most enthusiastic snow-players.
His other son, Cody was only out for a couple of minutes before declaring he was having nothing to do with it. : )
Matthew wins for the most confused. : )
KayLynn wins the prize for best picture of the storm’s aftermath. : )

Oh, how I wish I was there!!!  I miss snow!  Of course the 12” or so they received may have prohibited me from going anywhere, but I’d’ve enjoyed it in my own yard!  I never minded shoveling either.  And I know, right now, you’re shaking your head and whispering “Crazy person!!”  Especially, Blaine. . . .

What a difference a few hours makes!  It’s hard to believe it was only yesterday that we could barely stand up straight and the water was rushing to the shore in giant, frothy waves.  We visited a different area of the beach today, riding several miles on our bikes and then walking about two miles on a beach that had firmer ground than that by the pier.

What a gorgeous day!
Albeit a bit chilly for biking, but it was nothing like yesterday! : )
What’d I say about the boardwalks?
They’re everywhere! Nice for riding on!
That’s part of the campground.
Bay view sites, but not where we’re staying.
This is another pedestrian bridge that goes over the main road.
We discover tomorrow that these letters light up. Looks real nice!
Over there’s the campground.
That’s the direction we’re going to walk on the beach.
Views from the bridge over the road.
I believe they call this the Interpretive Center, but it wasn’t open.
Back on the beach! We’ve missed our beach-walking days!
There were an abundance of shells on this beach, whether because of yesterday’s storm,
or just because they like it here, we don’t know.
They were all small, and most were broken, but still.
They were working on this one.
There were two elevators on the left side, moving up and down, and the crane was being used as well.
We stood and watched for a bit.
You can do that when you’re retired and have no pressing agenda for the day. : )
Can you imagine what the beach is like when all those apartments are full?!?!?
We would absolutely hate it!
OK. So let me explain.
First, ignore the tread marks.
Can you make out the circle?
That’s the outline of a jellyfish; one of those big kinda tan/brown ones we’ve previously taken pictures of on the beach. It has all but “melted” into the sand. Those brown parts that look like dead grass? Those are the ‘innards’. If you look back . . . oh never mind. I’ll just put in an old picture. : )
Can you believe that’s all that’s left?
God thinks of everything!
Including how to remove ‘carcasses’.

It was imperative that we got a good dose of exercise today.

We have the promise of Lambert’s ‘Home of the Throwed Rolls’ for dinner! 

We arrived around 3pm, and they seemed a little short staffed, because while the dinners were excellent, and the rolls were hot and throwable and catchable 😊, their ‘pass arounds’ were in short supply.  We had to ask our server for a few things we wanted to savor.  In the past, those carrying the bowls of pass arounds were walking through the room constantly. Pass arounds are:  rolls (of course!) and sorghum (a thick molasses) and/or apple butter to top them (butter’s on the table), macaroni and tomatoes, fried potatoes and onions, black-eyes peas, boiled cabbage and fried okra. Any and all of these are available as all you could ever possibly stuff down your gullet – along with your dinner.  And they allow you to take home doggie bags of whatever’s on your plate!

How’d you like it when people ask what you do to say, “I’m a professional roll-thrower!”
He comes into the room yelling “Hot rolls!”
and if you want one, you just raise your hand.
It really is a lot of fun! And unique to their restaurant, as far as we know.
The drinking cups are enormous!
I guess that keeps the servers from having to refill so often.
Roast beef and mashed potatoes + two sides for Blaine.
And you get as much as you want of all those ‘pass arounds’ too!
I ordered the ham steak, steamed carrots and baked sweet potato – plus pass arounds, naturally.
Can you believe they served mine in a skillet?
I think their plates aren’t big enough for that ginormous piece of hog!
I took half of it home and made grilled cheese sandwiches with it
the next night for dinner! : )

It’s entirely possible that the good Lord postponed their wanderings in order to provide us an escape from the temptation of becoming gluttonous pigs.

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