Pine Ridge Campground, Roebuck, South Carolina
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. ~ Matthew 5:8 What is God’s definition of ‘pure in heart’, because surely that’s important for us to be able to see Him. Do you remember when Jesus told the Pharisees they were ‘white washed tombs’? (Matthew 23:27-28) That’s because they “look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean.” Meaning, they did all the right things, but their real lives, their lives lived beyond the view of people; their secret lives, thoughts, attitudes and emotions, where far from God. Our goal should be to live a life worthy of the salvation we received through the blood of Jesus. The more we tune our hearts to the purity of God’s, the more clearly we will see Him.

Today was our last day with Bruce and Donna and their daughter-in-law Morgan was able to join us! She was in town for work but they live just outside Denver, Colorado. We all Wi bowled and golfed while Bruce’s ribs were smoking. Donna opened a window and we were all drooling! Oh man, did they smell good!
Along with the ribs (which tasted every bit as good as they smelled – – and then some!), we had corn on the cob, baked beans and 3-bean salad (which was actually 4-bean). We brought the salad, but I had to look on-line for a recipe that was most like Blaine and Bruce’s mom’s. I’ve never made it before, but that was the request and I aim to please. It’s kinda funny though, because Blaine would never eat those beans cold any other time. Not even room temperature. 😊

Especially since we took another picture of the cat!
Look at the difference in the way Donna and I are dressed. lol

He was none to thrilled about it though.
I think if he was fully stretched out, he’d be about as tall as me!
It was a wonderfully fun last day! Thanks for your generous hospitality Southern Pecks!