This blog follows the retirement adventures of Blaine and Terri Peck. When we began blogging in May of 2016, we were not actually retired yet, but that happened on June 2, 2017 and we hit the road as full-timers on June 19, 2017; leaving all of our family behind in the Akron, Ohio area, within 30 minutes of each other. Parents, children and grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews.
We first met in church when we were both five years old. Started dating at 16 and married when we were barely 19. God has used the experiences in our lives to prepare us for this journey together.
Blaine was an IBEW Union commercial electrician and Terri worked an assortment of front office jobs and was able to be a stay-at-home mom until our sons were 8 and 10 years old, only returning to work part-time to earn “fun money”.
In 2005, Blaine’s parents took their four children and their spouses on an Alaskan cruise for a week. We decided to extend the trip by renting a Class C for two-weeks and drove around Alaska. What fun!!! I’d say the test run was successful! After 12 years of talking, dreaming and planning, we are now living our dream!
And to think, this all started in 1979 with a motorcycle and a pup tent!
Here’s a brief pictorial look at how we’ve evolved over 38 years: