Stuck In A Rut 06/22/19

Robert H. Treman State Park, Ithaca, New York

Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord. ~ Psalm 107:43

Since we had a very short drive today – 35 miles (and only 7.2mpg! Yikes!) – we decided to drive to the Old Mill and walk the Gorge Trail to Lucifer Falls before we left at noon. 

Again, what a difference an evening made!  We knew right away because as we crossed the bridge, the water level was waaay down again.  We drove the 3 miles to the Mill and began the stunningly beautiful walk to the water fall.  Much less water, as the comparison pictures show, but still absolutely gorgeous!  And you’d’ve gotten a kick out of watching us hike this morning.  We thought we felt old last night, today we’re stepping very slowly and gingerly . . . .

This looked like something out of an Indiana Jones movie. : )
Took the time for some “artsy” pictures this morning. : )
We came across an information board that we missed yesterday.
This is the building at our campground waterfall that we’ve taken pictures of.
It was a bath house that was destroyed in the 1935 flood.
The reconstruction was complete in 1937.
This is a picture of stone steps during construction in 1934.
The CCC gathered the flagstones from the creek bed above Taughannock Falls.
Remember that place from the other day?

The State Park at Taughannock Falls was selling T-shirts.  If they didn’t cost an arm and a leg, I would’ve bought one and I don’t buy things like that.  It had a nice waterfall picture on it and said, “Ithaca is Gorges”.  Clever!  And soooo true!  We highly recommend visiting this town!

It’s moving day!
We had to drive through the town of Trumansburg, NY on our way to our next stop.
And we just learned that our daughter-in-law spent some time growing up here!
Anything look familiar to you, J??

Sampson State Park, Romulus, New York

That’s Seneca Lake, our new destination.
A drive through another small town. . .
They have a military museum here at the Park.

Blaine reserved us a lovely spot!  Plenty of room on either side and he pulled us in so we face a field instead of the neighbors across the narrow street.  Great job, hon!

There’s just one catch.  He dug trenches to do it.

It’s been wet here too, so the ground is soft.  The Park doesn’t have enough gravel on the site, despite their signs that say to “stay on the gravel”.  Not only was there a scarce supply here, but it’s not even long enough for our rig.  We couldn’t stay on the gravel to save our lives! 

It’s the first time we’ve ever spun the coach tires.  We had to put blocks under them so he could back out onto the road and maneuver around to a better position.  The guy across the street came over to observe and offer help, but there really wasn’t much he could do.  Sweet man! 

Where the back tires were spinning . . .
What a mess we made to leave for someone else!
Couldn’t be helped.
Maybe the Park will put down some gravel now.

Anyway, we’re here now.  Hopefully, in five days we’ll be able to get out of this mess again.  😊

We were set up so early, we went for a walk.  This is another gorges Park, but for a different reason.  This one is right on Seneca Lake – the second longest of the Finger Lakes.  It’s 38 miles long and 600’ deep at its deepest point.  Triple the depth of Lake Erie!  But less than half Lake Superior’s 1,332.  And today’s temperature was a balmy 54.6 degrees near the surface.  Brrrrr . . .   Because of its depth and the way the water circulates constantly, the deepest part stays at 39 degrees, but in the summer, the top 10-15 feet warm up to 70-80 degrees.  Best not go diving!

Part of the former military base.
They’re getting ready to open this updated marina.
On the way back home, Blaine heard and then spotted this doe and her two fawns!
They stopped to nurse as we watched.
She kept a close eye on us!
Wow! We’ve never witnessed that before!

I’m still not showing visible bruising, but I still get pains depending on what I’m doing, but I can’t seem to figure out what to stop doing because there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it.  Last night, when I laid down in bed, it felt as though a softball was under my side.  That eventually eased up and I was able to sleep fine.

Blaine is still working on his right knee (the one he twisted), but it’s improving day by day.  Yea!!  Thank You, Lord!

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