Go West Young Man! 9/28-10/27/19

Countryside Campground, Mogadore, Ohio

He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.  ~ Proverbs 14:21

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THOSE WE LOVE, WHO CELEBRATE OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS!  Tyler, grandson Kade (now 4), son Kyle (now 33), Jessica and Martha! And our grandson, Alex’s New Life birthday!

And now, I get to cram a month’s worth of activities into one post. Better grab a snack.

About 25 years ago, I was experiencing trouble with my throat.  I seemed fine, but I constantly felt like something was strangling me.  After several consults with various specialists, I ended up seeing a speech therapist who determined that stress (good and bad) affects my vocal cords, just like some get ulcers or migraines, or neckaches (hence the phrase “You’re a pain in the neck” 😊).  After several weeks of therapy with her, she was able to teach me how to manage stress levels and learned to practice what she taught me in order to diminish the side effects any time they begin to arise, preventing it from debilitating me.  Since then, I’ve dealt with it very successfully all these years, until this visit home.  For some reason, I just wasn’t able to get a handle on it.  And then I developed another issue which didn’t help matters – some type of congestion stuck in my head and draining down the back of my throat, making me cough, which is one of the big no-nos.  Blaine thought it was a cold, but it’s most likely allergies or sinus, even though I’ve never had a problem with either of them.  My take?  It really sucks getting old.  😊

At any rate, my condition got bad enough that I lost my voice for a few days.  (Surprisingly, Blaine didn’t really like it, lol) And even as I healed, I had to be continuously vigilant in managing my symptoms.  But I’m very happy to say that I returned to normal by the time we left.  Thank God for my speech therapist, Susan Ruhlin!

Not exactly how you expected me to start out, is it? 😊

We spent our time in Ohio visiting with family and friends, attending a birthday party, partaking in a family work day at my mom’s, attending our oldest grandson, Alex’s baptism, and enjoying an early Thanksgiving dinner!  In fact, every day of our October calendar had something written on it.  But it was a most wonderful type of busy-ness!  We are so very thankful for all those who take a break from their busy lives to spend time with us when we come home and we know how blessed we are.

You’ll find the bulk of the pictures we took at the end of the post.  Unfortunately, there are events that we have no pictures for (like Thanksgiving) because we just didn’t think of it, and no one else did either.  ☹

You’ll also find a couple of recipes down there.

We ended up with one day with no commitments – the Friday before we left.  So we took a day and drove up to Cleveland.  Blaine (believe it or not) wanted to visit the Cleveland Museum of Art and the West Side Market. I guess Boston got him thinking that museums weren’t so bad after all. 😊  We both agree that Cleveland’s was much better than Boston’s – at least in our humble opinion.  But Cleveland still had some wacky things they were passing off as art.  Trust me.  You’ll see. At least all their bathrooms were labeled correctly.

Here, even the word ‘art’ is art!! : )
The fountain out front
“The Thinker” Apparantly, based on the pictures I found on-line,
I should’ve taken the picture from the side. : )
It’s a shame someone thought it should be vandalized . . .


Auguste Rodin (1840 -1917)



H. 180 cm ; W. 98 cm ; D. 145 cm


Cast made by Fonderie Alexis Rudier in 1904. Transfered to the musée Rodin in 1922.

When conceived in 1880 in its original size (approx. 70 cm) as the crowning element of The Gates of Hell, seated on the tympanum, The Thinker was entitled The Poet. He represented Dante, author of the Divine Comedy which had inspired The Gates, leaning forward to observe the circles of Hell, while meditating on his work. The Thinker was therefore initially both a being with a tortured body, almost a damned soul, and a free-thinking man, determined to transcend his suffering through poetry. The pose of this figure owes much to Carpeaux’s Ugolino (1861) and to the seated portrait of Lorenzo de’ Medici carved by Michelangelo (1526-31).

While remaining in place on the monumental Gates of HellThe Thinker was exhibited individually in 1888 and thus became an independent work. Enlarged in 1904, its colossal version proved even more popular: this image of a man lost in thought, but whose powerful body suggests a great capacity for action, has become one of the most celebrated sculptures ever known. Numerous casts exist worldwide, including the one now in the gardens of the Musée Rodin, a gift to the City of Paris installed outside the Panthéon in 1906, and another in the gardens of Rodin’s house in Meudon, on the tomb of the sculptor and his wife.

Image result for pictures of sculpture the thinker
An image I found on-line so I could show you what it’s supposed to look like.
Inside the rotunda entrance
The descriptions of the pieces will follow the art.
So beautiful!
We thought this map was interesting. But we don’t know exactly why it’s here.
It was at the entrance to the “American Art” room.
This piece was very realistic looking. For some unknow reason, I didn’t take a picture of the placard.
Can you imagine wearing these glasses for a portrait ?
I did a search, I couldn’t find out who this guy was.
This painting was front and center as you walked into the room. We kinda skipped it at first because there were other people in the room.
We liked the impish look of the little one, but the older one was kinda ‘ghostly’ looking.
This piece was carved from a single piece of ivory.
There was quite a bit of Biblical art scattered around the building. We were pleasantly surprised.
We were shocked at the vibrant colors they could achieve back in the early 1600s!
A ‘maybe’ Michaelangelo.
Blaine’s favorite room.
Pretty amazing the condition these things were in, especially considering they’re over 500 years old!
Mail shirt
I guess I missed the helmet . . .
I hope you’re keeping in mind that all these paintings and things look ten times (at least) better than these pictures! We would definitely encourage you to go see for yourselves! And in Cleveland, it’s free!
There were several pieces with actual human bone in them!
This piece is over 1700 years old!
What do you think of their interpretation of a “giant fish”?
I didn’t take a picture of this placard explaning how Jonah got spit out onto dry ground after three days.
Ceramic? Over 400 years before Christ?
We were astounded by the craftmanship.
We thought this was the Michaelangelo exhibit, but it turns out it was just ‘copycats’.
If you wanted to see the REAL exhibit, you had to pay an additional $15/person.
Since we didn’t know what was in the exhibit, we passed.
It’s pretty, but we didn’t see the story in this.
Great condition! And it’s not under glass! We saw some young kids in here. What if . . . . . .
Yes. I know. I cut off the description.
Probably should’ve left the picture out, but at least now you can see the date.
Reminded me of the Aesop Fable of Androcles and the Lion.
In addition to the Michaelangelo exhibit, there was a small Tiffany exhibit.
Tiffany Glass
There’s the guys, hard at work.
There was no date, but it was probably the very early 1900s.
Yep. That’s Tiffany, too. Gorgeous pieces!
As are these.

We’ve now entered the contemporary art section.
Give us a realistic painting any day of the week . . .
This one’s titled ‘Alabama’.
We’ve been to Alabama, but it didn’t look like this.
But after reading the placard, we at least understand this one.
Hmmm . . . .
One of the contemporary art rooms
Yeah. Do you suppose they made money on this?
All righty then . . .
They have a description for the light bulbs, but not for the washer doors . . . .
I shoulda been an artist, Blaine too.
I can understand why this is ‘Untitled’.
What aspiring artist wants to title their piece ‘Sucker!’ : )
This was an interesting room.
You can tell because of all the pictures I took. : )
Kinda looks like wax . . .
It’s all made of rawhide.
So many details!
And no. For some reason, I have no picture of the placard.
Asian art
They have this great atrium area!
Music was playing and no echoing.
You can feel like you’re outside without being outside. : )

And now, I’ve grouped together a few things that we thought fit the holiday season:

This one gets an explanation first. Scary!
Somehow, I don’t see me hanging this in my home as the placard says.

Cleveland’s West Side Marketplace has been around for over 100 years, and was pretty busy.  Outside, were produce stands all selling the same things.  Inside, were a few people selling cooked food like sausage sandwiches, but it was mostly meat and bakery stands.  No.  Not at the same place, silly!  Multiple meat stands and multiple bakery stands.  We bought some bulk sausage that ended up in our freezer because we weren’t home all weekend, a piece of key lime cheesecake to share – oh my was it good!! – and a huge apple-maple-bacon fritter, also very yummy, especially when we warmed it a few seconds in the microwave!

Oh my!
Everything is so artistic and delicious looking!
This is just one (and a partial) of the 25 meat vendors in this place!
I was going to take a picture of Lance’s Beef because that’s my brother’s name,
but there were too many people in the way.
I know they look pretty cool, but $9 for a head-sized piece of bread??

And now the pictures and recipes I promised you . . . . . . .

When we set up in Mogadore, Fall hadn’t quite arrived yet,
but the morning sun sure made it look like it was! Stunning!
An evening at Barberton Speedway with our oldest,
Chris and his three sons, Cody, Max and Alex.
Fun night, but LOUD! : )
The Goodyear Blimp! We haven’t seen that for a long time!
Kyle, Ron (Blaine’s dad) and Blaine went golfing one afternoon.
They said they had a great time!
I stayed home with Shena and played with kids. : )
We finally got to meet the new addition to our family!
Cooper Thomas Peck!
Kyle and Shena’s new one.
He has red hair like Blaine. : )
Kyle and Shena have two other new additions as well.
Meet Finn and Annie.
Harper loves to take pictures! This is her selfie, but she also took the next two.
Someone needs to talk to that girl about waiting until her subject is ready. hahaha!
Good job, Harper!
Reading ‘The Spooky Old Tree’.
Kade and Harper
One day, we found ourselves in a hallway at Akron City Hospital and ran across a display case with old nursing pictures in it. Can you imagine, trying to perform medical duties dressed like that??
Blaine, Chris and Ron Three generations of electricians, enjoyed the Union Pig Roast one Saturday!
One Sunday, my friend Gail and I both got the memo!
(girls will understand this comment, lol)
On the occasion of Kade’s 4th birthday.
We called him that morning. He was very excited to be four!
The kids love playing with Gpa!
Reading “The Saggy Baggy Elephant”.
After a couple of times, Harper insisted on reading it to me,
at times embellishing on the story. : )
Teaching Gpa how to use his phone.

One day, our friends Brad and Jeannine took us to Mill Creek Metro Park over near Youngstown.
We’d never been there before, but it’s a really nice Park!
And we had a great time!
Jeannine spotted this natural water garden.
Alex became a born-again believer in the saving power of Jesus Christ on October 6th.
His baptism is an outward symbol of his new-found faith and took place on October 23rd.
We couldn’t be more thrilled!
This was really exciting!
What a wonderful gift he gave us!
And he was smart enough to send it in nice stationery
that made it looks like something you should open. : )
How cool is that?!?
A letter from my grandpa’s father, written in his own hand over 90 years ago!
Love the address on the envelope too! : )

My Mom and I took a trek into Amish Country for a day.
Great day! This was the Christmas store we visited.
And this was there too!

Shena sent us pictures of pumpkin carving at their house.
It’s how they celebrated Kyle’s 33rd birthday.
We’ve decided he’s not really that old . . . .

Blaine ended up spending an entire day trying to put an end to the squeaking dashboard we’ve lived with for the past couple of years. Time will tell if he was successful.

Kade’s 4-year party! He’s the one holding the balloon.
Can you guess the theme??
Alex is the tall one, Harper’s in front of him, Cody’s beside him, and Max is the toothless wonder. : )
Awwwww. . . . .
This is the best gift!

My brother and his family and my mom came over for hot dogs and smore’s one night.
Nice evening!
They’d given us these packets to put in your fire. We thought they were fun, but none of us ever expected the fun to last so long! At least 20 minutes, and maybe even more!

During work day at Mom’s, Blaine took our grandson, Max to the hardware store with him.
Goofy kid!
That’s Shena. Kyle took this picture while we were frying the Geosa.
The ugly stuff in the foreground looked (and thankfully tasted) much, much better than the picture shows! And Jessica’s not in the picture, but she was a huge help getting dinner on, too!
The three of us made 200 pieces of Geosa, a giant pot of fried rice and salad.
We had cookies for dessert that Mom and I made a few days prior.
Everyone was too busy working to take pictures of people working, but here’s dinner, at least.
Blaine, Shena, baby Cooper, Kyle, Alex, Cody and Max
My brother Lance, Kelli, Logan, Mom, Chris and Jessica
My Mom has this on one of her mirrors. Isn’t it great?!?

Blaine and I had a couple of hours one beautiful Sunday afternoon,
so we drove over the Quail Hollow to hike a bit.
Fall is so stunning!
I often wonder why God didn’t make it like this all the time, but I guess, just like
so many other things, if it was all the time we’d soon take it for granted.
I would not want to live somewhere where I never see the glorious beauty of Fall.
Good thing we weren’t planning on doing that . . . . : )

One afternoon, Gpa and Gma wore out poor Miss Harper.
Annie decided to join her for a quick nap. : )
The eyes were only open for a moment before closing in sleep again.
Gma’s turn!
Cake pops for lunch!
Max took Finn’s bed, but Finn just made room for himself.
I’ve never had my hairbrushed so much in all my life.
It sure was fun though!
“Grandma, do you want a braid or a pony?”

Breakfast at a dive (Oldies n’ Goodies) in Akron on Kyle and Shena.
They gave us their Groupon. As with most dives, the food was really good!

Dinner, a round of LRC, and a movie in the garage – – whatever the occasion,
our friends Rich and Martha always make it memorable!
And they sent us off with another care package, complete with a giant bug! : )
We took the sardines and kippers to ‘Thanksgiving’ with us.
Max loves them, but he told us he likes the plain sardines best.
He’d probably like anchovies on his pizza too . . . . Gross!
‘Thanksgiving Day’!
Cody, Max and Alex
Crazy kids! All four of ’em! hahaha!
The view from our bathroom window near the end of our stay.
Not too many campers during the week, but the weekends were still filling up.

Below are the recipes I promised you:

From my friend, Jen Curry on the night our former Old Testament Bible Study group got together:


1 T. vegetable oil

1# boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed

½ C. onion, chopped

1 can (14 oz) chicken broth

2 cans (15 oz) Great Northern beans, drain and rinse

1 green pepper, chopped

2 T. McCormick white chili seasoning

8 oz. sour cream

1 C. half and half (or whipping cream)

2 C. Monterey Jack cheese, shredded

Sauté chicken and onion in oil until chicken is done.  Set aside.

Combine broth, beans, green pepper, and seasoning in a large pot.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.  Add chicken mixture, reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes.  Add sour cream and half/half and stir well.

Serve with shredded cheese.

Serves 6-8

From the Work Day:

GEOSA (Aunt Mitchi) (This is my Aunt from Okinawa)

1 pound hamburger

1 medium head cabbage, diced fine

2-3 carrots, shredded

2 bunches green onions w/tops, chopped

6-7 cloves garlic, minced

Salt & pepper

1 pkg. Wonton wrappers

1 small bowl of water

Soy sauce for dipping

Mix together first 6 ingredients.  Put one spoonful into the center of 1 wonton wrapper. (Be careful not to put in too much filling or the wrapper will tear.) Dip finger into bowl of water and wet two sides of a wrapper. Fold wrapper across the filling to form a triangle.  Press together.  Crimp in the sides.  Set aside until all are made.

May be cooked in two different ways, depending on whether you want them soft or crispy.

Soft:  Fry both sides over medium-high heat in a small amount of oil until browned.  Add a small amount of water and quickly cover the pan.  Steam for 2-3 minutes.  Remove to platter. 

Crispy:  Fry both sides over medium-high heat in a small amount of oil until browned.  This is the method I use.

Finished batches can be kept warm in 250-300 degree oven.

Makes about 50 pieces.

HINT:  While preparing them for frying, do NOT stack them – they’ll stick together!                  You can put wax paper between layers if you need too, but it’s best to just use                 a large platter and keep them in a single layer. Use the leftover filling to make                 fried rice.

FRIED RICE  (Aunt Mitchi)

Several options:

  •  Cook leftover Geosa meat till done.  Meanwhile, cook 4 servings of rice.  Mix together.  Add soy sauce if desired.
  • Make fried rice from scratch using any type of vegetables you want, lots of minced fresh garlic and SPAM.  Cube the SPAM into small chunks and brown a little.  Remove from pan.  Add veggies and cook until well done, adding some soy sauce to taste.  Meanwhile, scramble 2 eggs in a separate pan. Mix everything together into cooked rice.

Serving size depends on how much rice and how many veggies you make. 

HINT:  You can cook veggies and fry SPAM in sesame oil for a bit of a different flavor,    instead of the leftover Geosa mix.

SUGAR COOKIES   (an everyone favorite)

2 ½ C. flour

1 t. baking soda

¼ t. salt                                   

1 C. butter, softened

1 C. sugar

1 large egg

2 t. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix together flour, baking soda and salt.  Set aside.  Cream together the butter, sugar, egg and vanilla.  Slowly add the dry ingredients.  Mix well.  Chill if desired. 

Roll out dough very thick.  Cut with cookie cutters. 

Bake for 9 minutes.

HINT:  It took Mom and I quite a few years to come up with a good-tasting, soft sugar cookie, but I think we did well.  Everyone loves them!  Cookies swell quite a bit when baked.  I don’t recommend using large cutters unless you want  giant cookies with no shape.


1 ½ C. butter             

2 C. brown sugar                    

½ C. molasses             

2 eggs                          

5 C. flour                    

4 t. baking soda

2 t. cinnamon

1 1/2 t. ginger

1 t. cloves

colored sugars

Cream shortening with brown sugar, molasses and eggs until well blended.  Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon , ginger and cloves.  Add to creamed mixture and mix well.  Chill until dough can be handled easily -about 2 hours.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Form dough into 1” balls.  Roll each ball in colored sugar to coat well.  Place balls about 3” apart on cookie sheets covered with parchment paper. 

Bake for 8-10 minutes until set but not browned.  

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