Sand Hollow State Park, Hurricane, Utah
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. ~ Proverbs 24:26

Blessing from God! We received our final bill from the Lake Powell Marina this morning. NO CHARGE for the broken prop from our May 16th boating mishap! Hallelujah! We’ll find another, better use, for our stimulus check!
It was sort of an off-day today. I was able to work on blog stuff outside at our covered picnic table! So nice to be able to be outside for a change! For those of you wondering; I usually can’t work outside because the light blacks out my screen, so I can’t see what I’m doing – not even to type. This was a real blessing!

Meanwhile, Blaine baked chocolate chip cookies because we’re almost out, and we can’t run out of cookies. 😊

And he cleans up his own messes! : )

Blaine saw this slither across the road while he was standing by the coach this morning!
We’ve been looking for snakes for weeks, now.
This wasn’t a place we expected to see one. : )

And I can tell you now, that it was there all four days we were here!
Late this afternoon, we decided to go check out what was going on around the Lake. We’d been watching from our site all day and we just wanted to be nosey and see what all the fuss was about.
The place was crazy busy! And the Park had closed it’s gates by about 10:30 this morning! Can’t even imagine what it would be like without the COVID-19 restrictions! People were in the water on all kinds of craft and lining the beach area, there were sand buggies (aka dune buggies, but smaller) everywhere – – it was a real zoo!

The color of the water is beyond description!
So stunning!

We’ve not seen that for quite some time!
Besides, we always try to avoid places like this – even when there’s no virus.

heading over to check out the action at the marina.

It was a mad house, with a line of cars with trailers waiting to get their boats out of the water.
And rangers both in boats on the water, and at the dock. : )

We went back home and were glad for our quiet spot. 😊

I made meatballs (also because we were out). We didn’t have anything particular planned for dinner and we had hamburger buns to use up, so I took some of the meatball stuff and made paddies and we had meatball subs in a different shape. My question is, since it was all the same stuff, why did it taste different, just because the meat was flat instead of in balls? Hmmm . . . .

This evening was the Coca-Cola 600 NASCAR race. I had no interest in watching, nor sitting at the table with cars racing round my head, so I went back to the bedroom, elevated the head of the bed and sat working on the blog as I watched Captain Jack Sparrow outwit . . . . well . . . . everyone! I have the original Pirates of the Caribbean movie saved on our DVR. Blaine doesn’t care to watch it, but every once in a while, I revisit it. Tonight was one of those times. Ladies, what is it about Captain Jack? 😊
The race didn’t end well for Blaine. His driver, Chase Elliot, was winning with two laps to go, when a caution came out. Elliot went in for a pit stop when no one else did. Blaine said if he’d kept racing, then everyone else would have pitted, and Elliot would’ve had to restart at the back. It’s evidently one of those between a rock and a hard place situations. Too bad.