Sand Hollow State Park, Hurricane, Utah
A little sleep; a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man. ~ Proverbs 24:33-34
Mollie’s Nipple is a name given to at least seven peaks, one butte and one well in Utah. Can you say, infatuation?? However, lest you think they’re all tributes to the same woman, it’s actually a slang term from the 1700’s for prostitutes. And since then, the name has been used for all kinds of slang – from gangster girlfriends to homosexual houses of prostitution, to the name of a popular drug.
Whatever the source, within the boundaries of Hurricane, there’s a 1.7-mile round trip trail that takes you to a 360⁰ view of the area. It’s very steep and very difficult due to the steepness and loose stones. It wasn’t much fun to hike (at least not for me), but the views were great!

The sun hasn’t come over the mountain yet. : )

There were trucks driving around in circles spraying water on the dirt for dust control.

On the way back, we checked out the beach again. Much more quiet today. 😊

Pancakes for dinner!