Chatfield State Park, Littleton, Colorado
Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble. ~ Proverbs 28:14
I woke early this morning, and shortly thereafter, received two texts from family competing for first place in Birthday wishes. My mom won, but only by a very narrow margin. Blaine was a close third. 😊
While I waited on breakfast to be served – Blaine’s homemade pecan waffles with fresh blueberries, sausage and juice – I sat outside on the ‘patio’ and began my devotionals for today, prayed and thanked my Father for all the love He and others shower on me. I’m truly blessed and grateful! Today’s message in one of my readings was one of the most powerful I’ve ever read.

Wonderful way to start a birthday!
After a scrumptious breakfast, I returned to the patio where the sun warmed my back, the birds sang, and people in the campground began stirring (aka cars drove by). I’m working through a devotional I purchased months ago called, “It’s Good to be Queen” by Liz Curtis Higgs. She’s a fantastic women’s study writer, teacher and speaker – full of the type of humor I love, but also loaded with godly wisdom. Laughter and thought-provoking are her trademarks. This study is subtitled Becoming as bold, gracious and wise as the Queen of Sheba. I began chapter two this morning, and am enjoying it very much. Except when she challenges me. . . .

I doubt some will ever get done now . . . like popping wheelies . . . : (
Blaine thinks we buried a time capsule when we were in Youth Group,
but I sure don’t remember it.
Returning to the inside to my laptop to write (there’s too much glare outside for the computer screen), I’m met with the smells of breakfast lingering in the air, and I’m reminded how blessed I am to have married this wonderful man who cherishes me, even baking my favorite cake today – Boston Cream Pie! He’s getting pretty good in the kitchen! But he’s messy. At least he cleans it up. 😊

Today’s treats included not only texts and emails from family and friends, and breakfast, but a bike ride to the lake and walk on the small beach, a trip to the Littleton Museum (one of only 216 in the country affiliated with the Smithsonian Institute), and a botanical garden called Hudson Gardens. Then dinner at one of the top restaurants in Littleton, Café Terracotta.
The bike ride wasn’t on my list of things to do today, but Blaine wanted to ride. I sent him on his merry way and my intention was to answer an email and then read. He returned just as I was getting ready to open my book, and enticed me to let him show me what he’d found. It was a gorgeous ride! The weather was perfect, the water stunning, the surrounding mountains serene, and the boaters actually enhanced the view. And I didn’t have any trouble navigating the gentle inclines.

Back home, I was able to rejoin my waiting story for a while, until it was time to leave.

We have reservations at the museum at 1:30. They’ve added reservations as part of their COVID safety. I had mentioned it being my birthday when I made the reservation, and when we arrived, the girl I spoke with was at the desk and presented me with a gift! Sticky notes! I ADORE sticky notes! If she only knew my history of that love affair . . . Suffice it to say, they were the subject of a very intense discussion with my boss at one point. I’m not sure if it was the cost analysis, or the fact that friends were in prayer over them for me that won her over. 😊 And I didn’t discover until we got home, that she’s written a note on one inside. Sweet girl!
The museum was free, but it was nothing like what I had envisioned when I asked to go there for my birthday. I thought, museum, you know, with lots of displays and things to read? Museum! And all the more exciting since they’re affiliated with the Smithsonian! Instead, there were three displays. A few pieces of weird art by two different female artists (I want to know who decides this stuff is art?) in one room, a collection of toys in another (which was actually kinda fun to reminisce about), and an outdoor area with old homes and buildings that had been brought to the property. They had three kinds of animals – three cows, a donkey and mule, and a herd of sheep. Other than that, it was just a lot of fencing and dirt. And there was no going inside the buildings because of the COVID scare. Still, it was a very beautiful day, and we were wandering around outside, so that was nice!

Up next, Hudson Gardens! I was most excited about visiting this free botanical space! I never had much in the way of flowers at my home, but I’ve always admired those in the wild or at others’ homes! I was gravely disappointed. I tried not to be grumpy about it, but I struggled with my disappointment, and a bit of it spilled out. We were grateful their snack bar was open because by now the waffles had worn off and it was still three hours until dinner – Blaine scarfed down a blueberry muffin and I, an orange scone. Both were a notch above mediocre and priced like resort snacks, but they served their purpose, which was to sooth our complaining stomachs and restore happiness to our souls. 😊

This was on the bench we sat on to look for the songbirds.

And they had bees! Lots and lots of honey bees and decorative boxes for them to live and work in.

There was a rose garden, and someone was getting ready to be married there, but there were barely any petals left. The arbor that was there didn’t have any decorations of any kind on it either. Hopefully, someone came to make it pretty after we left. We saw the girls arrive in a stretch limo and disembark with their arms full of their dresses, shoes and makeup cases. But that’s all we saw. Hopefully the bees will stay on their side of the gardens. 😊

We left and went to spend the remainder of our time before dinner walking historical downtown Littleton. Again, a bit disappointing. It wasn’t particularly historic. We did stop in a ‘general store’ and look around to kill some time, but there was nothing there particularly noteworthy, except to say how surprised we are at the things people think are appropriate to have sitting around where children are looking at toys and candy. We were shocked.
We arrived at our restaurant of choice a half hour early, but since no one else was there, they had no trouble seating us. The restaurant is within an older home and has a large two-sided wrap around porch, as well as some indoor and other outdoor tables. We sat on the porch. So nice! Our server was exceptionally friendly and attentive, and the food? Extraordinary! We ordered a calamari appetizer because we were certain dinner would take a while since they prepare it fresh. Beautifully presented and excellent!

a couple of bunnies hopping around!

Blaine ordered the beef tenderloin that came with macaroni and cheese (an odd plating, I thought) and fresh asparagus, and I had the daily special – panko coated, pan seared walleye with potatoes, bacon and caramelized onions. In between the appetizer and dinner, a strong wind whipped the place up for a few minutes! We were protected by various plants and trees, but the outdoor tables with umbrellas had to be closed up because they threatened to take off like Mary Poppins! Blaine looked on his phone and discovered there was a storm skirting our location. Fun times! Made us think of a zip-lining trip we took years ago, where an unexpected storm came up at the end and the staff were practically throwing us off the platforms to the tune of their boss screaming over walki-talkis, “Get them outta there!” Fun memory!

We skipped dessert because we had cake waiting to be devoured at home!
To end my day, we watched “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”.
But God had other plans! He brought a thunderstorm, complete with tons of lightning, to our door! We haven’t seen that in forever! And I LOVE watching thunderstorms! So does Blaine.

Joy filled our hearts!

I fell truly blessed! It was like being queen for a day!
As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer. ~ Psalm 40:17
1 box Duncan Hines butter recipe yellow cake mix, and ingredients
1 box instant french vanilla pudding mix, and ingredients
1 C. heavy cream
1 C. Nestles semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 T. butter
Fill 2-9″ cake pans and bake according to instructions. Prepare pudding according to instructions and refrigerate. Once cake is COMPLETELY cooled, assemble by spreading pudding between the layers and refrigerate.
Prepare the ganache. Place the chips in a large bowl. Warm the cream just to simmer. DO NOT BOIL. Pour the hot cream over the chips and let sit for 5 minutes, then stir until thoroughly mixed and creamy. Stir in the butter. Let cool completely, then pour over the top of the cake. Keep refrigerated.