Desoto State Park, Fort Payne, Alabama
Through Him (Jesus) all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. ~ John 1:3
Our adventure today took place inside Little River National Preserve. We were to start at the Visitor Center, but not only was it closed, the gate across the road at the street was securely locked and notices were posted. So now what? We had no map or anything!
We followed a sign and drove to what we knew – their main waterfall. It was there that we were able to pick up a National Park map. Thank goodness!

It’s one of their rescues.

There are a multitude of trails available, but for today, we did the scenic drive with various overlooks and from there, did short hikes.
As Blaine drove, I followed the map in order to let him know when an overlook was coming up because it was a very curvy road, and sometimes hard to spot the signs in time to turn in.

I think his epitaph should read, “He died waitin’ on a woman”. : )

Straight down!
Much easier for me coming up than going down.

I noticed on the map that we were coming up on “Mushroom Rock”, and I wondered why the dot on the map wasn’t on the side of the road. Here’s why . . .

Never expected that! But it explains the placement of the dot! Lol!

Are you excited?!?

Pretty nice, huh?

Take a second and look how close the table top is to Blaine’s legs! : )

I’d be afraid of toppling into the river one day!

Can you guess which waterfall is the tallest in the state? Ruby Falls! It’s 12′ taller.

We could barely see a trickle today.

She’s looking pretty thin . . .

Once we completed the scenic portion of the drive, we took on the Jeepin’ Road part. There were large signs everywhere telling you not to travel this road without the proper vehicle – no trucks, no RVs, etc. It wasn’t bad as far as pavement went (mostly paved), but it was very hilly, curvy and narrow.

It was a little like being on an 11 mile roller coaster and at the end, we had a portion of the National Park all to ourselves! There was absolutely nobody around. It was like the rapture came and we weren’t ready. YIKES!

Tomorrow there’s gonna be a fire.