Indian Mountain State Park, Jellico, Tennessee
Today was a really long driving day. 7 hours and 438 miles long. Blaine insisted that it would be okay because it was all expressway, but the last two hours were tiring. He was tired of driving, I was tired of perching on the edge of the couch working on pictures and the blog.
But we arrived unscathed, though barely a few times.

We began in fog, but not too much and not for very long.
It was pretty funny that as we entered Cincinnati, Ohio, it was to the strains of Jewel singing, “You’re In Cleveland Today”. 😊

This looks a little intimidating, and I wasn’t even driving!

Oh my! Prayers went up to get us out of here safely!
We made it through Cincinnati and headed into Columbus.
Moving ever closer to home.

Route 224!

The Goodyear Air Dock!
That’s where they used to make all the blimps!
We’re very close now!
Countryside Campground, Mogadore, Ohio
And now we’re back in Mogadore at Countryside, living where we first began, in Site #1. Last time we were in this particular site, it was April, 2017. We had sold our house, had spent two weeks in Blaine’s parents’ home, had spent a month in an efficiency apartment and were now able to live in our new home. It was cold and pouring down the rain the day we moved here. What a wet mess! And on top of all that, we were both still working.
Today, despite the long drive, it was much easier! 😊

I don’t think they’ve mowed yet this year.
But the dandalions and violets are sure pretty!

Our new view out the window.
But as you saw, we have a huge side yard!
And we’re excited to be back for the next month, although I was sorry to have missed my mom’s mother-daughter banquet by a day.
That also means the blog will be on hiatus until around June 8th or 9th . But you can still check in to see if Madame Tussaud has made her one-time-only appearance. I suspect she will. 😊