The Hard Walk Home 05/07/19

Little Beaver State Park, Beaver, West Virginia

Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary?  Who may live on your holy hill?  He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the Lord, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.  ~ Psalm 15:2-5

Siri knows scripture!  She can’t tell you chapter and verse correctly (“Okay! Psalm three-thousand-three-hundred-twelve.  Here you go.”.  Hahaha!!!)  But she knew what the verse said, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.  I have to tell you, I was impressed.  Now I suppose you want to know why this is in here?  Our neighbors pull their fifth-wheel with a semi and it has an American flag and this chapter and verse on it, but we couldn’t remember exactly what it said, so rather than get our Bibles out of the cupboard, I thought I’d ask Siri, just for kicks.  😊

Similar schedule as yesterday, as we went for a hike in the morning (most of the pictures are from that), came home for lunch, changed into warm-weather clothes and headed out again to walk around the lake one last time and back home again.

What can I say?
They were beautiful and the branches low enough I could take pictures. : )
Do I want to know why these are here?
There’s no water, so no one’s skinny-dipping. Whew!
Pretty! The maples we grew up with never had these!
We’ve not visited a cemetery for quite some time.
It may have been established in 1882,
but we didn’t see anything older than the early 1900’s.
Is this cool, or what!?!?
I caught a bee!
Don’t know what kind he is though.
He’s got really long legs for a bee . . .
Someones’s home alongside the trail.
Blaine says it’s a “kit house”.
Some kind of wild daffodils.
This one was the only one curious enough to stick around for a picture. : )
Somewhere around here, there’s supposed to be a trail,
but we walked all around the perimeter and didn’t find one.
However, we eventually realized this is a baseball field!
On a hill! Which is why we didn’t realize it until we walked behind home plate. : )
We found the trail, but we had to go back to the road first.
Did the Easter Bunny drop one in the woods or was it pilfered by a squirrel? : )
This is a mushroom with a really long scientific name.
However, it’s on it’s last legs – turning black and attracting lots of bugs.
Pretty cool looking though and something else new!
We found this section closing in on us . . .
But then it opened back up again. : )
We stuck with Laurel Creek.
So what happens when the wind blows??
This Laurel Creek Trail must also be used by mountain bikes and horses.
We saw evidence of both.
Although I have no idea how anyone would ride a bike on most of it.
Something else new!
This fungus reminded me of dripping soap. : )
We have no idea what this is!
Reminded us a little of the Sable Palms resurrecting after a prescribed burn,
but that’s not what this is. Hmmm . . . .
This is a group camping area. Things like Scouts, etc.

We saw deer three times today!  Once was so close, they – and we – got spooked as we came around a corner!

Now for the afternoon – –

The lighting – and maybe the lack of fishermen around the lake – allowed us to see some fish today.
I think the only reason I got close to this lovely creature is because he was exhausted from fighting the wind. I waited a long time for him to open his wings, but he didn’t, and when Blaine walked a little closer to see if it would cooperate, it took off so fast, I couldn’t snap one.

It’s important to note that the trail down to the lake and back is fairly steep.  Why?  Because thanks to our two youngest grandchildren, we did it twice today!  If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

The Park’s gift shop was having a great sale on toddler t-shirts, but we weren’t certain on size, so I texted their mom to ask.  Since she was at work (I’m sure that’s the reason . . .), she didn’t answer right away while we were there and we knew she might not for a while, so we went home – after we spent a few minutes playing.

No kids on the playground, so we played while we waited a bit for that text.
Blaine had this thing spinning so fast, I could barely hold on!
But it sure was fun!! hehehehe!

Most of the time, it was spinning much faster. : )

Just before I got off.
I had too.
I made the mistake of having my eyes open too much.
Bleh . . . at least I’m still smiling. : )

That was uphill number one.

Nine minutes after we arrived, we received size confirmation.  “Do you want those shirts enough to walk back up that hill again?”  “Yes.”  And off we went.  Now you tell me – – aren’t they worth braving the hill a second time?  😊

Here’s the shirt worth walking uphill for.
Cute, huh?
Actually, it was the price that got me. I love a good deal!

For those of you wondering what we’re bringing home for the older boys – nothing.  They get a weeks’ vacation with Gpa & Gma!  What could be better than that?  😊

We’ll be home sometime tomorrow afternoon!

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