The Roxborough 07/30/20

Chatfield State Park, Littleton, Colorado

He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. ~ Proverbs 28:13

We’ve really enjoyed starting and spending our day slowly for a change.  Today it was nigh on 9am before we left home, and we were back home by 2:00.

Needing some exercise, we visited Roxborough State Park, just up the road from us, and took on two loop trails with a combined distance of roughly six miles.  We need that.  We’ve not really curtailed our eating habits, but we’ve been much less active these past few days.

I couldn’t resist taking this picture. The side of the van says, “Let there be light”.
What a great concept for an electrical contractor! I’m kinda surprised no one else has come up with it. : )
Once we arrived at the Park Entrance, we still had 2 miles to go to the Visitor Center and parking.
This is the parking lot. Look at those rocks! Spectacular!
There were several taxidermied things in the VC, but this was was outstanding!
We’d never seen anything like it before.
It’s hard to believe that people live so close to the Park boundary.
People had trouble reading this sign. We saw several going the other way around.
I think it’s designed to encourage social distancing . . .
This is quite a place!
This is part of a historic property.
I took the full board, but then I also did close-ups of several of the pictures. Just because I liked them. : )
The phone camera can only see this, but our eyes saw a fox!
God is good!
We couldn’t go in, but we could peer in the windows. : )
Well, here’s George.
Looks exactly the same as he did 108 years ago!
How DOES he do it? : )

There were other interesting goings-on besides the jutting rocks and long distance viewing.  A monk (we assume based on how he was dressed) came to visit.  His head was shaved, and he wore a long white hooded robe with a blue sash.  We didn’t take a picture, as we thought it would seem kinda rude.

This Park, as do many others, has a strict “No Pet” rule.  There were signs everywhere.  And yet, just like at other parks we’ve been too, people choose to ignore the signs.  Some places you could understand how they could possibly be overlooked – faded, or partially overgrown, or maybe only one in place.  But here, there are plenty of opportunities to see them – big and bold.  No question.  And yet, we saw a couple on the trail with a little mutt.  We wondered at that, but said (not very convincingly) that maybe it was a seizure alert dog or something.  Not our problem.

However, it became a huge problem for them when they got back.  We were sitting on a bench outside the Visitor Center eating our lunch, when I noticed a Ranger hand the guy something, and point in our direction.  The couple, along with their now very expensive dog, came up and sat across the patio from us.  For the enjoyment of the dog’s company, they received a $100 citation!  I hope it was worth it!

Then, as Blaine was returning our lunch bag to the Jeep, I witnessed another couple enter a Park trail, this time with two large dogs.  The volunteer from the VC, came racing out and snagged them just before they disappeared around the corner.  I heard her tell them there are at least 10 signs between the parking lot and where they were, stating the ‘no dog’ policy.  Then she made them leave.  I guess, because they didn’t actually take them on the trail, they got away without a citation.  Wonder if they’da been charged $100 or $200 since they had two dogs? 

Time to do our second trail – South Rim into Willow Creek Loop.
There were a lot of these bushes along the top. They’re called Mountain Mahogany. Pretty small branches though, so I don’t think furniture is in their future. However, they may get eaten by the deer.
Amazing view from up here! You could see for miles!
This may be named the Willow Creek Loop,
but while there was a loop, there was no creek and no willows. : (
They had these in the Visitor Center. How many of these have you done? : )
I kid you not. This is a real thing.
I discovered it when I was looking for things to do in the area.
God must weep over us . . .
They meet in a former Luthern church. Notice they changed the stained glass windows.
The top picture is an actual picture of the sanctuary now. : (

Our afternoon and evening were peppered with calls and texts from loved ones!  How blessed we are!

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